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ForumsDiscussion Forum → The Emperor needs a new pair of shoes!
The Emperor needs a new pair of shoes!
2005-02-28, 6:42 PM #1
Or as they like to call them in the biz, "shews".

2005-02-28, 6:44 PM #2
You need a new pair of bullets in your face...
Think while it's still legal.
2005-02-28, 6:45 PM #3
So does Yoda!!!!!!! []
pine·ap·ple Audio pronunciation of "pineapple" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pnpl)

a. A tropical American plant (Ananas comosus) having large swordlike leaves and a large, fleshy, edible, multiple fruit with a terminal tuft of leaves.
b. The fruit of this plant.
2. Slang. A hand grenade.

[Middle English pinappel, pine cone : pine, pine; see pine + appel, apple; see apple.]
Main Entry: pine·ap·ple
Pronunciation: 'pI-"nap-&l
Function: noun
1 : a tropical monocotyledonous plant (Ananas comosus of the family Bromeliaceae, the pineapple family) that has rigid spiny-margined recurved leaves and a short stalk with a dense oblong head of small abortive flowers
2 : the multiple fruit of the pineapple that consists of the succulent fleshy inflorescence and whose juice is the source of the proteolytic enzyme bromelain.
2005-02-28, 6:47 PM #4
2005-02-28, 6:48 PM #5
2005-02-28, 6:48 PM #6
I like doobies.
Pissed Off?
2005-02-28, 6:53 PM #7
pine·ap·ple Audio pronunciation of "pineapple" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pnpl)

a. A tropical American plant (Ananas comosus) having large swordlike leaves and a large, fleshy, edible, multiple fruit with a terminal tuft of leaves.
b. The fruit of this plant.
2. Slang. A hand grenade.

[Middle English pinappel, pine cone : pine, pine; see pine + appel, apple; see apple.]
Main Entry: pine·ap·ple
Pronunciation: 'pI-"nap-&l
Function: noun
1 : a tropical monocotyledonous plant (Ananas comosus of the family Bromeliaceae, the pineapple family) that has rigid spiny-margined recurved leaves and a short stalk with a dense oblong head of small abortive flowers
2 : the multiple fruit of the pineapple that consists of the succulent fleshy inflorescence and whose juice is the source of the proteolytic enzyme bromelain.
2005-02-28, 6:55 PM #8
Last one. Honest.[]
pine·ap·ple Audio pronunciation of "pineapple" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pnpl)

a. A tropical American plant (Ananas comosus) having large swordlike leaves and a large, fleshy, edible, multiple fruit with a terminal tuft of leaves.
b. The fruit of this plant.
2. Slang. A hand grenade.

[Middle English pinappel, pine cone : pine, pine; see pine + appel, apple; see apple.]
Main Entry: pine·ap·ple
Pronunciation: 'pI-"nap-&l
Function: noun
1 : a tropical monocotyledonous plant (Ananas comosus of the family Bromeliaceae, the pineapple family) that has rigid spiny-margined recurved leaves and a short stalk with a dense oblong head of small abortive flowers
2 : the multiple fruit of the pineapple that consists of the succulent fleshy inflorescence and whose juice is the source of the proteolytic enzyme bromelain.
2005-02-28, 7:24 PM #9
Is that Yobby? - As Featured in Guitar Hero II!
2005-02-28, 7:32 PM #10
no it's Doda
2005-02-28, 8:29 PM #11
Sadly, I imagine after that pic ( of Yobby/Doda) was shot, he decided to discipline himself, and probably removed his hands :D
"You want the truth?! You can't handle the truth!! No truth-handler you!! Bah!! I deride your truth-handling ability!!"
2005-02-28, 10:26 PM #12



Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-02-28, 10:29 PM #13
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2005-02-28, 10:40 PM #14
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum

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