I just thought I'd start a thread about FireFox extensions to see what extensions and themes people are using, for both informational purposes, and with the intent to possibly get more people aware of some extensions they may not know about (a similar thread a while ago (actually it was about the browser itself) pointed out to me some very cool extensions.
Anyway, on to my extensions:
I have 27 extensions currently installed, but haven't used all of them yet, soon to be 28 because I found one that organizes the list of extensions, but didn't download it yet.
The ones I like the most are (in no particular order, and with the description in the extensions list window):
AdBlock - Filters ads from web-pages
Linkification - Converts text links into genuine, clickable links.
Plain Text Links - Treat selected plain text urls as links
Launchy - Open links and mailto's with external applications like Internet Explorer
StumbleUpon - Adds the 'stumble upon toolbar' to firefox, which (after signing up and filling out a small form) allows you to click a button and open up random web-sites based on your interests, and you can rate whether or not you like a certain site.
BB Code (Great for Massassi) - Adds BB Code to the context menu for forums like Mozillazine (PHPBB and others)
Edit CSS - Stylesheet modifier in the sidebar.
PasteQuote (Great for Massassi, especially if you have a tendancy to quote people a lot) - Lets you past text as forum quotations from the context menu.
and FlashBlock - replaces flash objects with a button you can click to view them.
The theme I use is 'Little Fox' just because I love to have all my buttons and toolbars as small as I can.
I got all of these from the official Extensions site for FireFox, not from a third-party site, so just search around there for them.
Anyway, on to my extensions:
I have 27 extensions currently installed, but haven't used all of them yet, soon to be 28 because I found one that organizes the list of extensions, but didn't download it yet.
The ones I like the most are (in no particular order, and with the description in the extensions list window):
AdBlock - Filters ads from web-pages
Linkification - Converts text links into genuine, clickable links.
Plain Text Links - Treat selected plain text urls as links
Launchy - Open links and mailto's with external applications like Internet Explorer
StumbleUpon - Adds the 'stumble upon toolbar' to firefox, which (after signing up and filling out a small form) allows you to click a button and open up random web-sites based on your interests, and you can rate whether or not you like a certain site.
BB Code (Great for Massassi) - Adds BB Code to the context menu for forums like Mozillazine (PHPBB and others)
Edit CSS - Stylesheet modifier in the sidebar.
PasteQuote (Great for Massassi, especially if you have a tendancy to quote people a lot) - Lets you past text as forum quotations from the context menu.
and FlashBlock - replaces flash objects with a button you can click to view them.
The theme I use is 'Little Fox' just because I love to have all my buttons and toolbars as small as I can.
I got all of these from the official Extensions site for FireFox, not from a third-party site, so just search around there for them.