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ForumsDiscussion Forum → FireFox extensions
FireFox extensions
2005-03-05, 10:43 PM #1
I just thought I'd start a thread about FireFox extensions to see what extensions and themes people are using, for both informational purposes, and with the intent to possibly get more people aware of some extensions they may not know about (a similar thread a while ago (actually it was about the browser itself) pointed out to me some very cool extensions.

Anyway, on to my extensions:

I have 27 extensions currently installed, but haven't used all of them yet, soon to be 28 because I found one that organizes the list of extensions, but didn't download it yet.

The ones I like the most are (in no particular order, and with the description in the extensions list window):

AdBlock - Filters ads from web-pages
Linkification - Converts text links into genuine, clickable links.
Plain Text Links - Treat selected plain text urls as links
Launchy - Open links and mailto's with external applications like Internet Explorer
StumbleUpon - Adds the 'stumble upon toolbar' to firefox, which (after signing up and filling out a small form) allows you to click a button and open up random web-sites based on your interests, and you can rate whether or not you like a certain site.
BB Code (Great for Massassi) - Adds BB Code to the context menu for forums like Mozillazine (PHPBB and others)
Edit CSS - Stylesheet modifier in the sidebar.
PasteQuote (Great for Massassi, especially if you have a tendancy to quote people a lot) - Lets you past text as forum quotations from the context menu.
and FlashBlock - replaces flash objects with a button you can click to view them.

The theme I use is 'Little Fox' just because I love to have all my buttons and toolbars as small as I can.

I got all of these from the official Extensions site for FireFox, not from a third-party site, so just search around there for them.
2005-03-05, 10:52 PM #2
No Skin.
No Extensions.

I use plain, vanilla, FireFox.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2005-03-05, 10:59 PM #3
Ditto. I never got why people downloaded another Ad blocked, because Firefox comes with a perfectly good one. Unless I am misinterpreting something.
Think while it's still legal.
2005-03-05, 11:07 PM #4
I love the Google Bar. I use it all the time. It also helps with spelling, and definitions, which is very useful for forums (of course, these are Google features, but having the bar does make it much easier to do these things).

The theme I use is Noia 2.0 (eXtreme).
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2005-03-05, 11:08 PM #5
just the bbcode thing

other than that just plain fire fox
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2005-03-05, 11:52 PM #6
Originally posted by phoenix_9286
No Skin.
No Extensions.

I use plain, vanilla, FireFox.
2005-03-05, 11:57 PM #7
Originally posted by phoenix_9286
No Skin.
No Extensions.

I use plain, vanilla, FireFox.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-03-06, 12:40 AM #8
Originally posted by SAJN_Master
Ditto. I never got why people downloaded another Ad blocked, because Firefox comes with a perfectly good one. Unless I am misinterpreting something.

Because it lets you block banner ads and flash ads. Actually, you can block any image and most flash content. I really like it.

I use ad-block, launchy, foxy-tunes, blanklast, MiniT (lets my drag and drop tabs), popup count, single window, Focus Last Selected Tab, undoclosetab, firefoxview (puts a context menu option in IE to open links in firefox), Mozilla Calandar (which I never use).

I also have a lot of the search shortcuts set up. Like how you can type "google (stuff)" into the address bar and it searches google for that. And I have IMDB, Snopes, and various other searchbar add ons.
In Pride,
I had a disclaimer here, but the man said it was too long.
2005-03-06, 1:16 AM #9
Just adblock, mouse gestures, tabbrowser prefs, and Farkit (which is a quoter for

Adblock = invaluble.
2005-03-06, 2:27 AM #10
Adblock, Radial Context (better than mouse gestures!), 4chan menus, ColorZilla, EditCSS (owns!), Tabbrowser Pref., FoxyTunes, Gmail Notifier, Livejournal Friend Checker, Greasemonkey (for the deviantArt EasyComment script).

I use the theme [numbers].
VTEC just kicked in, yo!
2005-03-06, 3:35 AM #11

Originally posted by Chaz Ghostle
The theme I use is Noia 2.0 (eXtreme).

Same, quite like it.

Originally posted by FCTuner04
soon to be 28 because I found one that organizes the list of extensions

You need help.
"Whats that for?" "Thats the machine that goes 'ping'" PING!
Q. How many testers does it take to change a light bulb?
A. We just noticed the room was dark; we don't actually fix the problems.
MCMF forever.
2005-03-06, 3:35 AM #12
Tabbrowser and Flashgot, nothing fancy.
Rock is dead - but I believe in necrophilia.
2005-03-06, 3:39 AM #13
Tabbrowser Preferences. I need that one. Everything just in one window with tabs. Never opens new windows.

"Disable Targets for Downloads" - I always disliked it when a blank tab was opened just for downloading something.

"Add Bookmark here" - Since I have a lot of Bookmarks, all in groups like "Community, Music, Online Shops, PC..." all in that in that "Bookmarks Folder" so I can access em like a menu. When I have a new website for a category I just click the menu and "add bookmark here".

"Checky" - To validate my websites.

DownTHEMall - can be usefull.

DragToTab - Grab a picture and drag it to a tab. Or a link, or whatever. Just a standard feature.

"LastTab" - If I want to a specific tab I can use alt + 1 to 0, but when I use ctrl+tab it jumps always to the last selected tab. Like in Opera.

"Reload Every" got used to this in Opera. Good for some forums :)

"Create Secure Password" - I just wanted to see what passwords it creates. Kinda cool.
h2etp@25 =) And than you have options like "Left Hand only"
Right hand only: kjm_p7u8_
Or "Make mnemonic": eettacve And one can specify which characters it should use / not use.

Right now I see, that I don't have the Mouse Gestures installed :)

And my theme is "SaferFox Xpanded" which fits to the Gnome Theme "Ana"
My levels
2005-03-06, 4:57 AM #14
Adblock: Because Firefox's built-in "ad blocker" only bocks popups.

RadialContext: because I cant live without it anymore

Compact menu: figure it out

MiniT: For drag & droppable tabs

undoclosetab: So I can reopen a tab Ive closed

Nuke Anything: For removing unwanted or unneeded elements from pages

Image zoom: It saves time

Slashfix: To fix that silly overlap problem on Slashdot.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2005-03-06, 8:26 AM #15
After reading this thread :p:

Gmail Notifier
Scrap Book
Compact Menu
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-03-06, 9:01 AM #16
tabbrowser preferences
tab clicking options
sage rss reader
2005-03-06, 11:50 AM #17
Nuke Anything - removing unnwanted stuff or having fun with reorganizing a web page ;)
IEView - For those rare pages that are non-firefox-compatible, open it in *gasp* IE
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2005-03-06, 12:07 PM #18
I dont use firefox... well sometimes i do
2005-03-06, 7:08 PM #19
I figure this is relevant:
After the last Firefox update all my Extensions are disabled, and I don't know how to re-enable them, and I really need to get at some of the stuff I have saved in my Scrapbook.
That painting was a gift, Todd. I'm taking it with me.
2005-03-06, 7:15 PM #20
I've toned down a bit on my extensions. I recently deleted 10 or so. I'm debating over getting rid of 1-2 others, if I can find suitable replacements.

DOM Inspector
Tabbrowser Preferences
Gmail Notifier
Image Zoom
Forecast Fox
Mouse Gestures
Print Preview
Print It!

There's also a MinimizeToTray for Thunderbird, which is VERY useful.
2005-03-06, 7:42 PM #21
Bandwidth Tester
Delicious Delicacies (I missed that text)
Disable Targets for Downloads
ForecastFox (invaluable)
Gmail Notifier
I Must Not Fear! (I like Dune)
Mouse Gestures
Smooth Wheel
Tabbrowser Preferences

I have other extensions when I use Windows, such a Launchy, but I can't remember them all.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2005-03-07, 3:30 AM #22
BV go and get the latest versions of the extensions that aren't working. there is a new scrapbook extension for firefox 1.0.1 that will work.
2005-03-07, 4:16 AM #23
Haha at all you fools with the wimpy Tab Browser Preferences extension.

The best is obviously Tabbrowser Extensions, which besides getting more updates, has TONS of options. You can literally control every single aspect you could ever imagine about tabs.

Other than that, I use:

Download Statusbar (Super useful, and I got rid of those Downloads windows)



Nuke Anything

Show Image

Plain Text links

Disable Targets for Downloads.
2005-03-07, 6:07 AM #24
Originally posted by Cool Matty
...The best is obviously Tabbrowser Extensions, which besides getting more updates, has TONS of options. You can literally control every single aspect you could ever imagine about tabs.....

I used to agree with you, but then I realized that it was causing some serious GUI lag. TBE is extremely slow, which is a shame because it is so useful. Fortunatly most of its functionality can be reproduced in other, more lightweight extensions.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2005-03-07, 9:43 AM #25
I agree with GBK on the TB Extensions. I use it under Windows on this machine, and I've noticed some lag compared to TB Preferences in Linux.

Also, the Pinball theme > Gnome default. Or Firefox default for that matter.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2005-03-07, 11:31 AM #26
after reading this thread more and lookin into it...

Disable Targets for Downloads

i had foxytunes for a moment then realized how pointless it is when foobar is set to "always on top"
eat right, exercise, die anyway

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