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ForumsDiscussion Forum → New Zelda trailer!
New Zelda trailer!
2005-03-10, 1:20 PM #1
Don't think it's been posted yet

I'm so excited for this, getting a much different vibe from this game though. It looks a lot darker, even scary.
2005-03-10, 1:23 PM #2
I want it now! I heard a rumor that if you pre-order it, in the summer they will give you a disc with a previous Zelda Game (Windwaker perhaps?) with the NEW Zeldas graphics. Can anyone confirm or deny this? It sounds fake, but I'm not sure.
Think while it's still legal.
2005-03-10, 1:23 PM #3
I've had a reserve on it at gamestop since December.

Trailer = schwing.
Hazard a company one process.
2005-03-10, 1:25 PM #4
I heard that this game uses the WindWaker engine anyway.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2005-03-10, 1:25 PM #5
Originally posted by SAJN_Master
I want it now! I heard a rumor that if you pre-order it, in the summer they will give you a disc with a previous Zelda Game (Windwaker perhaps?) with the NEW Zeldas graphics. Can anyone confirm or deny this? It sounds fake, but I'm not sure.

I'm fairly certain it's true, it was in the most recent Electronic Gaming Monthly.
2005-03-10, 2:39 PM #6
Originally posted by matrixhacker
I'm fairly certain it's true, it was in the most recent Electronic Gaming Monthly.

2005-03-10, 2:47 PM #7
Wow, using the old Username sithy?

Got tired of Morfildor?
*Joren, Legend, Alleged Egomaniac, Thread-Killer, 3-time Ban Recipient, and 6th Grade Spelling Champ*
2005-03-10, 2:52 PM #8
Originally posted by matrixhacker
I'm fairly certain it's true, it was in the most recent Electronic Gaming Monthly.

I believe it was just one of EGM's notorious April Fool's Jokes at work.
2005-03-10, 2:55 PM #9
2005-03-10, 2:59 PM #10

I dunno. I hope the dungeons are as well-crafted as Metroid Prime's. And Link's animation seems a little stiff. I guess it will be a good game anyway.
2005-03-10, 3:00 PM #11
wow. I want.
Sneaky sneaks. I'm actually a werewolf. Woof.
2005-03-10, 3:05 PM #12
I'm skeptical/worried, personally. I fear that, in a reaction against so many who apparently cried over how "uncool" Link was in Majora's Mask and Wind Waker, they may have focused more on the image of the game and will forget about gameplay. In all likelyhood, though, they're probably "playing it safe" and just not try anything new with this game. Just make it bad-*** because, heaven-forbid Link can't be a kid, despite artwork from Zelda 1-4...

EDIT: Sorry, teenager. You know, 15. 10 was never my ideal age either, but if it's that or another 20-some-year-old-in-his-prime-cookie-cutter badass...
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-03-10, 3:14 PM #13
Originally posted by Joren DarkStar
Wow, using the old Username sithy?

Damn right.
2005-03-10, 3:20 PM #14
Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ
I heard that this game uses the WindWaker engine anyway.

I don't think all. :p

Morf--that's why you were uppity. You WERE banned during that banning spree. Makes sense now :p

But anyways...what's more intriguing is that Steamboy ad. Looks interesting...

Though, this is the zelda game I've been waiting for since ALttP
2005-03-10, 3:30 PM #15
Originally posted by Dj Yoshi
I don't think all. :p

It is the same engine, they're just not using cel-shading with it. Cel-shading usually demands something like x2 as much processing or the like, so yeah...
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-03-10, 3:45 PM #16
Geez, I swear SOOOO many people fell for that EGM April Fool's joke...(Wind Waker being redone in new graphics)

It's a joke - it has been confirmed by many sites as being nothing more then that

The EGM specifically said "Starting April first" or something like that.

On [url],[/url] the message boards were flooded almost every day for a week with people like "OMG! PREORDER BONUS!" and then they were slammed down when people told them to realize the date and that it was a joke.

Last year it was something like there was going to be a Lord of the Rings racing game or something, and they had a screenshot too.
2005-03-10, 3:48 PM #17
i need this game
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2005-03-10, 3:48 PM #18
It'd be nice if the new Zelda game had SOME bonus for pre-ordering. Mebbe a T-shirt? :)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-03-10, 3:52 PM #19
Anyone else remember that Zelda cartoon?

"Well... excuuooooooooooooooose me, Princess!!"
Xbox Live/PlayStation Network/Steam: tone217
2005-03-10, 3:56 PM #20
Originally posted by AKPiggott
Anyone else remember that Zelda cartoon?

"Well... excuuooooooooooooooose me, Princess!!"

I do! If only they would return to those days...
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-03-10, 4:00 PM #21
Looks amazing, but Link's skirt is getting shorter. THAT IS NOT GOOD.
2005-03-10, 4:05 PM #22
Originally posted by Gebohq
I'm skeptical/worried, personally. I fear that, in a reaction against so many who apparently cried over how "uncool" Link was in Majora's Mask and Wind Waker, they may have focused more on the image of the game and will forget about gameplay. In all likelyhood, though, they're probably "playing it safe" and just not try anything new with this game. Just make it bad-*** because, heaven-forbid Link can't be a kid, despite artwork from Zelda 1-4...

EDIT: Sorry, teenager. You know, 15. 10 was never my ideal age either, but if it's that or another 20-some-year-old-in-his-prime-cookie-cutter badass...

I believe that in Ocarina of Time, Link was 10 and 17. Dunno about the earlier games though.
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...

2005-03-10, 4:26 PM #23
zelda 1 was probably ~15 zelda 2 he was 16 i always say Link's Awakening had the same link as one and 2 and took place after zelda 2
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2005-03-10, 4:40 PM #24
Originally posted by Outlaw Torn
I believe that in Ocarina of Time, Link was 10 and 17. Dunno about the earlier games though.

Ocarina of Time = Zelda 5.

As for age, they might say it's 17, but especially in Super Smash Bros: Melee and SoulCalibur 2 (games I'm pretty sure use the OoT older Link), he looks at least 18... really, he just looks like he's stopped growing/is in his prime, as oppose to the other games.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-03-10, 4:52 PM #25
Magic spells emit radiation that affects puberty and hormones.
2005-03-10, 5:26 PM #26
Is it me or did that trailer heavily reminded me of Lords of the Ring? The horseback riding battle is reminiscient of that Gap of Rohan battle, the forest reminds me of Fangorn Forest, Link running around from a huge spider like creature is similar to Frodo running from Shelob, the ghosts reminded me of the army of the dead, and lastly the epic music.
2005-03-10, 5:38 PM #27
Originally posted by Cloud
Is it me or did that trailer heavily reminded me of Lords of the Ring? The horseback riding battle is reminiscient of that Gap of Rohan battle, the forest reminds me of Fangorn Forest, Link running around from a huge spider like creature is similar to Frodo running from Shelob, the ghosts reminded me of the army of the dead, and lastly the epic music.

It's likely the similarities are on purpose. It's standard business practice to ride the waves of other works' success. Like how so many fantasy books even to this day have strong similarities to the LotR books...
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-03-10, 5:42 PM #28
Well I dunno about that Geb. All the fantasy books I read show no hints of dry, lame, boring story that LotR did.

/me runs, throwing gasoline behind him
2005-03-10, 5:48 PM #29
Originally posted by Dj Yoshi
Well I dunno about that Geb. All the fantasy books I read show no hints of dry, lame, boring story that LotR did.

/me runs, throwing gasoline behind him

I wasn't talking so much about story-content as much as I was refering to the conventions of using elves, dwarves, etc. in a psuedo-medieval time and the heavy reliance on representational-style instead of presentational...
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-03-10, 5:54 PM #30
i spy gohma!
All your bacon are belong to me

< robT> Name ONE thing that your windows comp can do that my MAC cant
< bawss> Right click.
2005-03-10, 7:51 PM #31
I liked the first trailer better.

This is an obsurdly small nitpick, but the z-target sliding looks really weird. It looks like it did in the n64 games. Which isn't bad, but it doesn't fit with the rest of the "new age" graphics .. he's just like, sliding on the ground. He's moving when he isn't taking steps. It's weird.

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