Sok Munkey
"Ahhh! Get it off my foot!"
Posts: 459
Episode III Scene: Jar Jar blows up a planet.
Somewhere on some backwater planet Jar Jar arrives in his cruiser with his advisors, campaigning for voters by handing out "Vote Gungan, Choose Jar Jar" pins and t-shirts. The natives take kindly to Jar Jar, never having seen a Gungan before. They give JarJar royal treatment by putting him up free of charge in there finest guest suete with a 24/7 minibar on the house. Jar Jar is scheduled to tour the city the next day.
Cut to Anakin and Obi Wan.
Anakin tracks Obiwan to a volcanic planet. Anakin is pissed, and he lets Obi know it, greeting a suprised Obi with a force slap to the face.
Angry dialogue ensues.
Anakin: blahblah blahblahblah!
Obi:Blahblahblaahblahblah, blahblah!
Anankin:Blah blahblah!
anakin pulls out his saber.
Obi wan does the same.
Both characters stare hard at each other from behind their sabers, the glow of the saber shafts and the burning magma from the nearby crater illuminating their faces.
Cut back to JarJar.
It is 8:00 am, and the planet's representatives are coming in an hour to take Jar Jar on a tour of the planet. Jar Jar, meanwhile is passed out drunk from the free mini bar, tiny bottles of Vodka littering the floor.
Time lapse to 9:00
There is a chime at the chamber door. It rings several times, repeatedly getting louder. Jar Jar wakes with difficulty and answers the door. The represntatives stand in front of Jar Jar, wearing the shirts and pins he handed out in hopes of impressing him. They assume Jar Jar is very tired when he comes to the door. They begin polite conversation and shuttle Jar Jar to the city center. They begin the tour, viewing the many museums with breath taking art and perfomances. Jar Jar, still drunk and experiencing a sever hangover, is very quiet and seemingly uninterested. The represntatives become edgy thinking JarJar bored and unimpressed. They decide to show him something more impressive, like their nuclear array of planetary atom splitter cannons.
Cut back to Anakin and Obiwan.
Anakin is still glaring at Obi, when he suddenly breaks the stillness as he strikes at Obiwan. Every strike, flip, Body slam, and stab is anticipated by Obi Wan and easily blocked and countered. Suddenly Anakin lunges at Obi Wan. Obi effortlessly dodges the attack with a side step and sliding saber parry and kicks Anakin's feet out from under him as he bolts by, missing his target. Anakin bites the volcanic dust, grovels for a second in seeming self turmoil, and suddenly a change comes to his eyes as he seems to give into and emrace a power unseen. He rises to his feet no longer the old Anakin, the whiner, the untrained. But an eerily cool and calm comes over him as he slowly rises to his feet.
Cut back to Jar Jar.
Jar Jar arrives at the atom splitter array and begins his tour. The representatives become more and more nervous by Jar Jar's quiet disinterest. They show him the the massive Plasma coils, The monstrous cannon barrels, the impressive deflector sheild with integral cooling lines, and, most impressively, the Super Plasma Nuclear coils that must be kept cool and clean of all dust by a constant waterfall of coolant and heavy water combined. Suddenly there is a small explosion in conduit sector 5C. The representatives are called towards a work station by a worker to find out what happened and assess the damage. Still drunk as a sailor, Jar Jar does not understand what is happening and, quiet frankly, does not care. While the representatives are absorbed with closing off the conduits, Jar Jar discretely slips another little bottles of Vodka he just found in his pocket. After drinking the bottle, Jar Jar realises he needs to go take his "Brisk morning pee". And absent mindedly sets off looking for the bathroom. He sees the flow of heavy water and coolant and mistakes it in his drunken stupor for a urinal. He drops his fly and lets it drain. Interestingly enough, the acidic quality of gungan urin is something unseen on this planet and is very volatile and heat sensetive when combined with heavy water and coolant. The fluid changes color as it flows towards the coils. Meanwhile the representatives are unable to close of the conduit leak and call for emergency evac. Jar Jar is sucked into an emergency tube directly above him, shot into an emergency pod, the only working emergency pod, and is launched into orbit.
Cut to anakin and obi wan.
Anakin has risen to his feet, turning slowly, a strange dark calm radiates from his face. Obi wan is frightened and clueless as to what is happening.
And then anakin hits him with a force blow to the chest. Having now fully embraced the dark side, Anakin is no longer in inner turmoil. United with himself and the powers of darkness, he suddenly becomes insanely powerful. He pulls out a hidden saber and walks towards Obiwan weilding the dual weaponry. Obi wan rises to his feet and fights for dear life as anakin begins his double saber barrage. Obi wan is recovering from the shock of this new development when he takes a kick to the stomach and a slash that sends him sprawling. He regains his feet and his senses quickly. Obi Wan then proceeds to show his unseen side and opens up a can of whoop-up. Anakin is caught off gaurd by the comeback and one of his sabers is knocked from his hand and Obi Wan grabs it. He then begins his own assult as he pushes anakin closer to the lava pit. Anakin takes a powerful over the head swing. Obiwan grabs hand and saber and twists his arm, hoping to throw him on his back at his feet so he can finish him. Anakin, however, aticipates the move and kicks his feet under him as he lands. Obi lets go of his wrist as Anakin spins and slashes at his ankles. Obiwan back flips, kicking Anakin in the face and land a couple feet away. Seeing anakin on his heels and stunned from the kick, Obi blasts Anikan to the face again with a force push. anakin is blown off his feet as he falls...
return to backwater planet cannon array. The volatile fluid flows towards the edge...
Horror is seen on anakin's face as he slips and falls in slow motion...
cue dramatic, sad music.
(Cannon array) the fluid cascades towards the coils...
as Anakin falls...
Cut to space looking down on backwater planet.
music cuts off suddenly into silence, when suddenly the planet is blown to shreds as an escape pod floats by. As the sound of the explosion resonates, the scene cuts to anakin, who lands in the magma and sizzles like bacon.
Well, thats how it should be.
"I'm interested in the fact that the less secure a person is, the more likely it is for that person to have extreme prejudices." -Clint Eastwood