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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Who bowls?
Who bowls?
2005-03-17, 3:22 PM #1
I started really bowling this year, I took it as a class because I needed the PE credits and I ended up really enjoying it. So I joined the school's bowling team, got myself a ball and shoes and have been loving it. My average is around 145, up until today my high score was a 171, but today in class I rolled a 190 and then a 225, it was awesome. I now find myself down at the alley 4 or 5 times a week. Who bowls?
2005-03-17, 3:25 PM #2
I used to bowl till last year, so about 7 years of it. Never got very good, only around a 145 average
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2005-03-17, 3:51 PM #3
I bowl, although I'm on a "break" from it at the moment (haven't bowled in about 3 months). Being the geek that I am, I have stats from my last five or six years of bowling saved on my computer. :o I think my average over that entire time is about 170. My average last year was about 180-185, somewhere in there. Best game is a 265.

I wonder how many hours of my life bowling has taken away from me due to second hand smoke inhallation...unfortunately public smoking laws here in Illinois apply to all buildings, BUT bars and bowling alleys.
"Good Asian dubs are like Steven Segal and plot; they just dont appear in the same movie." -Spork
2005-03-17, 4:01 PM #4
I'm also in a bowling class right now, but I'm just using it as an excuse to go every week.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2005-03-17, 5:20 PM #5
I bowl from time to time... I'm not great though. I think my best score ever is about 130. Generally if i score over 100 i'm doing well ;)
2005-03-17, 5:49 PM #6
Originally posted by TheJkWhoSaysNi
I bowl from time to time... I'm not great though. I think my best score ever is about 130. Generally if i score over 100 i'm doing well ;)

Same here. Usually go when my girl wants to, I go for the arcade :)

They have a simpsons arcade machine,
raiden fighters 1 & 2, Metal Slug 1, 2, 3 AND both house of the deads and time crisis'
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-03-17, 5:53 PM #7
Eh, **** it dude...
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2005-03-17, 6:20 PM #8
I'm a casual bowler. Haven't been in quite a while though. My record is a 186 but I usually bowl around 140-150.
Life is beautiful.
2005-03-17, 6:54 PM #9
I really like bowling, but it's expensive out here for some odd reason. Therefore, I bowl when I get money.
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2005-03-17, 9:02 PM #10
Bowling... class? Ok.

I haven't bowled in a couple years. Sometimes one of my friends is like, "Holy **** we should go cosmic bowling!" But once we get there, she's suddenly wanting to shun responsibility for the entire fiasco. It's actually also the only time I listen to rap/pop music.

Bad times. :mad:
2005-03-17, 11:15 PM #11
I used to bowl a lot when I was in high school. Averaged 150-160 then, broke 200 once. I don't really go much anymore since my friends don't really bowl.
Pissed Off?
2005-03-18, 6:15 AM #12
Originally posted by Compos Mentis
AND both house of the deads

Theres 3 house of the dead games..... 3rd one has shotguns :D
2005-03-18, 8:12 AM #13
go bowling once or twice a year, average about 130, best i've ever got is 156 and that was the last time, seem to be getting better the older I get....
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2005-03-18, 11:10 AM #14
And here was me hoping it was cricket related. /_\
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2005-03-18, 1:24 PM #15
My dad had a pair of shoes and a ball that are just perfect for me, so I have my own stuff... I bowl whenever I get the chance because it's cheap and enjoyable. Never bested 150 though.
2005-03-18, 2:28 PM #16
Originally posted by Boco
Theres 3 house of the dead games..... 3rd one has shotguns :D

Our arcade is out of date and gameworks is too expensive
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.

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