Or maybe we should be hearing moaning... in the morning?
Not this weekend anyhow.
Look, I know you're new here, you're younger than most active members, and you'll probably be here for at least several months. But, you don't get more chances to make a first impression. The forums work in a liquid state, members making posts and threads come and go at a predictably steady cyclic rate. You should be aware that this is a relatively global community. The first peak activity peak of the day comes with the Australian time-zone, followed by the European activity peak hours eight hours later, and finally the Northern Americans on the other side of the Atlantic eight hours later. Then the cycle starts again eight hours later.
Threads like this won't change anything. At worst, you'll just draw negative attention to your initially clean (and therefore relatively fragile) slate of how people perceive you. At least you aren't performing thread necromancy though.
If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.