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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Good (free) desktop modifying program?
Good (free) desktop modifying program?
2005-03-21, 1:47 PM #1
Hi I was just wondering if anyone could sugest a good desktop modifying program. I have used object desktop, but the free version sucked. So if anyone can sugest a good free version that would be cool or a good non-free version. I use Windows 2000.
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2005-03-21, 1:49 PM #2
What is it exactly that you want to change?
2005-03-21, 2:15 PM #3
Basiclly the look and theme and the such. Like desktop X.
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2005-03-21, 2:27 PM #4
2005-03-21, 2:34 PM #5
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS

Litestep isn't working. But it does look cool.
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2005-03-21, 5:14 PM #6
how about desktopx
gbk is 50 probably

2005-03-21, 5:19 PM #7
Originally posted by JKTrezy
Litestep isn't working. But it does look cool.

What? You've tried it and it's not working? Or the site is down? You've tried it, but cant get it to work properly?

Litestep's a pain imo - especially because it kills your desktop for storing stuff.

(Even though I have zero icons on mine, I still like to be able to have them)
2005-03-21, 5:27 PM #8
bbLean? Best windowmanager ever.
2005-03-21, 6:10 PM #9
Originally posted by JKTrezy
Basiclly the look and theme and the such. Like desktop X.

I dont understand, DesktopX is free...
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2005-03-21, 6:33 PM #10
I have used Desktop X but it just takes up to many resources and the free version is limited.
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2005-03-21, 7:09 PM #11
StyleXP, I think by tftsoft
2005-03-21, 7:15 PM #12
I like bb4win, but it's not that customizable visually. The menu options and widgets are useful, though.
2005-03-22, 12:58 AM #13
For shells, Litestep all the way. Or aston if you have money and you'd prefer an excessively user-friendly interface.

For theme modifiers, Windowblinds. StyleXP has proven klunky in the past.

Although Litestep pretty much eradicates any effective use youf desktop items, you'll soon find that you won't really need desktop items anymore. and it's sexy as HELL.

[relatively recent screen of my desktop]

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