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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Interview pointers
Interview pointers
2005-03-24, 11:20 AM #1
So...I have an interview saturday for a summer internship. I think I'm prepared for it and all and know what to expect but wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything.

So, what should I do to make the best of this interview?
2005-03-24, 11:25 AM #2
Sleep with the boss.
2005-03-24, 11:35 AM #3
Dress a little nicer than what the position requires. Be polite and confident. If you don't have an answer for a question right away, don't hesitate to ask for a moment to think about it. It's better to pause and come up with an intelligent answer than to blurt out the first thing that comes to your mind.
2005-03-24, 11:43 AM #4
"Where do you see yourself in ten years?"

(to self) "don't say doing your wife, don't say doing your wife..."

"Doing your.... son!"

*awkward moment*
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2005-03-24, 11:47 AM #5
Depends on the position you are after. I only have experience with software dev. positions and in my experience, bring code samples and be prepared to talk about what you can offer the company. I also have never gone the suit & tie route, but I do dress nicely. Actually my interview for my current job I think I was in jeans and a tshirt (but it's a work-at-home position so NO BIG DEAL).

I've also had a lot of luck pointing out articles I've had published on various sites on the internet. I've been published at and I've made contributions to a few open source libraries out there. I've also released code and I'm very highly rated over at They like to hear about this kind of stuff because it shows that you care about what you do BEYOND the job itself.

So, even if you're going for a landscaping position, you can show off work you did even if it's volunteer work, for example, cleaning up and planting around a community park or something.
2005-03-24, 11:54 AM #6
First, if you want more info, give us info on the job! Then we can help you out a bit more.
But generally:

Be 15 minutes early

Dress Nicely

Look em in the eye, NEVER leave eye contact.

Don't suck up to them. They can tell when you're being a total suck up. Be yourself. But maybe strech the truth a little bit ;)
2005-03-24, 12:19 PM #7
I guess you should remember the small details. Wear a watch (to show you can keep time) and put on clean shoes (to show you are tidy.)
2005-03-24, 12:27 PM #8
Claim you've ran a star wars based fansite since 1998...
2005-03-24, 12:37 PM #9
claim you're connected to the mafia and it would be in his best interest to hire you...

Capiche ???

Seriously, be clean shaven ( or nice beard) and make yourself look pretty, but not a ponce with a rod up his butt.

Be charming and charismatic, make the odd joke, be laid back but still seem interested.

DONT sleep with his daughter
DONT wear sandels to the interview
DONT scratch yourself whilst grunting.

if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2005-03-24, 12:47 PM #10
Originally posted by Brian
Actually my interview for my current job I think I was in jeans and a tshirt (but it's a work-at-home position so NO BIG DEAL).

You work at home? Now I dont feel so bad about all those times that I was bugging you on ICQ during the day.
2005-03-24, 1:39 PM #11
Hahah yeah I've been working from home since DEC 01 2003. :)
2005-03-24, 1:48 PM #12
Originally posted by Flexor
"Where do you see yourself in ten years?"

(to self) "don't say doing your wife, don't say doing your wife..."

"Doing your.... son!"

*awkward moment*

i love family guy. :cool:
2005-03-24, 3:08 PM #13
Originally posted by Squirrel King

Look em in the eye, NEVER leave eye contact.

Bad advice...maintaining eye contact is good but you are just going to come off weird if you try and stare into their eyes the whole time. Thats just not natural. Don't preoccupy yourself with all the stupid little things people tell you to do. Just act natural, confident, and answer the questions thoughtfully.
2005-03-24, 3:30 PM #14
Those things won't get you a job or make you lose it though. I've tried for years doing all this things - looking them in the eye, dressing nicely, shaving, being polite - and I was never employed. Then one time I just wasn't feeling too optimistic, so I got lazy, went in with a 3-day beard, dirty tee shirt with holes in it, dirty worn out jeans, running shoes, greasy messy hair, and I was coughing and sneezing all over the place - and they hired me on the spot!
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.

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