So, the PSP came out today. I preordered mine last week, paid it in full with store credit (less $27.14 USD) and I also pre-ordered Metal Gear Solid Acid. (Also paid in full with store credit)
Went to GameStop about 7:50 (they opened at 8) to pick it up... I also picked up WipeOut: Pure, Need For Speed: Underground: Rivals, and Lumines.
Sadly they gave me two copies of NFS, so I had to go back to get Wipeout... I wound up getting the VERY LAST ONE (I.E. The one in a bag, that they have to put into the display case)
So far I haven't had a lot of time to play it... just kind touched WipeOut and NFS for a few minutes (wretched school). But so far I'm loving it. It's so... shiny... and sleek.... and... sexy.
Not sure if I like it more than the DS though... the screen is a lot better though.
So far I like the DS games a bit better, but only because I've had a lot more time to play them, as opposed to the ~15 -~20 minutes total I've spent playing my PSP games.
Can't wait to get home to play it some more though.
Anyways, so post your thoughts on the PSP or the DS, or any upcoming consoles, or handhelds in general.
Can't believe this hasn't been done yet (at least not that I can see, and I've looked through the first couple pages, and saw nothing)
Went to GameStop about 7:50 (they opened at 8) to pick it up... I also picked up WipeOut: Pure, Need For Speed: Underground: Rivals, and Lumines.
Sadly they gave me two copies of NFS, so I had to go back to get Wipeout... I wound up getting the VERY LAST ONE (I.E. The one in a bag, that they have to put into the display case)
So far I haven't had a lot of time to play it... just kind touched WipeOut and NFS for a few minutes (wretched school). But so far I'm loving it. It's so... shiny... and sleek.... and... sexy.
Not sure if I like it more than the DS though... the screen is a lot better though.
So far I like the DS games a bit better, but only because I've had a lot more time to play them, as opposed to the ~15 -~20 minutes total I've spent playing my PSP games.
Can't wait to get home to play it some more though.
Anyways, so post your thoughts on the PSP or the DS, or any upcoming consoles, or handhelds in general.
Can't believe this hasn't been done yet (at least not that I can see, and I've looked through the first couple pages, and saw nothing)