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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Microsoft
2005-03-25, 7:45 PM #1
So im doing a report on Microsoft for my Economics class. I'm not asking anybody to do my work for me, however if somebody knows some reputable web sites (or books I could check out for that matter, but preferably web sites) that have some good information, preferable some real dirt on the company that would really help me out. My teacher is about as liberal-biased as you can be, so i'm hoping to do some real microsoft bashing in this paper so if somebody knows a good place to find that kinda stuff, I would really appreciate it. I havent had much luck (so far) with google.
2005-03-25, 7:54 PM #2
You should have picked IBM... just talk about how they supplied tabulating machines to the Nazis so they could make their killing of the Jews more efficient... with full knowledge of what they were doing...
2005-03-25, 7:56 PM #3
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2005-03-26, 12:56 AM #4
watch the movie Pirates of Silicon Valley.... has a lot of stuff about bill gates.....
I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2005-03-26, 5:30 AM #5
Movies aren't exactly good source material... for one thing it's a pain if you need to find a quote. :p

I'm sure your local library has some books on Microsoft.

2005-03-26, 9:39 AM #6
Actually if she's that way, you probably don't even need to make sure your scores are reputable. You could probably make some stuff up if you want. Just don't mention anything about Bill Gates giving a billion dollars to help research aids.

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