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ForumsDiscussion Forum → WOOOO! My Birthday!
WOOOO! My Birthday!
2005-03-29, 4:27 PM #1
Hey hey! I have finally left my 21st yaer behind, so am now officially old and mature.


I demand:

The obligatory pfb comic,
Drunken commetns
Birthdfay Wishes
Massassi Vibes.

Also I give my apolgies for lack of recent attendance - my girlfriend's been staying with my for a week, and has been using Geoff to write up her essays while I've been doring maths revision :o

I love you all very very much my dears :D

2005-03-29, 4:32 PM #2
/me hits a switch and starts spining
/me sprays confetti from a plastic bag
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2005-03-29, 4:41 PM #3

Happy birthday!
2005-03-29, 4:41 PM #4
Happy Birthday!!!
Peace is a lie
There is only passion
Through passion I gain strength
Through strength I gain power
Through power I gain victory
Through victory my chains are broken
The Force shall set me free
2005-03-29, 4:43 PM #5
Originally posted by Martyn
Drunken commetns

Holy **** ish yur birfday! Happah birfday you ol' *****.! hahahahaha





Bonne fĂȘte osti! :D
2005-03-29, 4:50 PM #6
Happy Birthday, Marty! God bless us, everyone! :D
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2005-03-29, 4:51 PM #7
WOOT! We love you Martine.
2005-03-29, 4:51 PM #8
Happy B-Day. Dude. :D

Reminds me. I have a birthday call I need to make.
Pissed Off?
2005-03-29, 6:48 PM #9
Happy Birthday dude :)
"The only crime I'm guilty of is love [of china]"
- Ruthven
me clan me mod
2005-03-29, 6:48 PM #10
<3 mantrain
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-03-29, 7:06 PM #11
happy birthday sucker!!! :p
2005-03-30, 3:28 AM #12
Originally posted by kyle90

Happy birthday!

please no more birthday thready i don't wanna see that comic again :rolleyes:

anyway HAPPY B-DAY DUDE!!!!

Did your girlfriend bought you another watch :D :D :D :D :D
SpriteMod (JO 2003) Roger Wilco Skin

Snail racing: (500 posts per line) ---@%
2005-03-30, 5:48 AM #13
Happy Birthdfay :D
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2005-03-30, 6:55 AM #14
HUPPY *hic* BurfDAy!1!
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2005-03-30, 8:08 AM #15
happy b-day/ vibrates / i friggen love you literally bob / i cant find the comic :D
2005-03-30, 8:10 AM #16
Happy birthday, you big MaNtrAIN *drunkness*
Sneaky sneaks. I'm actually a werewolf. Woof.
2005-03-30, 8:11 AM #17
Now go get someone to buy who a whole load of chocolate

chocolate > you
2005-03-30, 8:48 AM #18
mm. how about for a present i give you some... yeah...
2005-03-30, 9:07 AM #19
Happy Birthday, I'm 17 tomorrow :p
2005-03-30, 9:08 AM #20
Originally posted by the-elizabeth
mm. how about for a present i give you some... yeah...

Go away. Now. Please
2005-03-30, 11:02 AM #21
Yay! *drinks a beer in celebration*

Happy Birthday.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2005-03-30, 11:05 AM #22
Happy Birthday Martyn! Have a drink on me.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2005-03-30, 11:11 AM #23

Happy bday, mr. Martyn!
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-03-31, 12:06 PM #24
Thanks for the joyisms everyone! I had an awesome birthday, and got lots of Euros to take on holiday, and G-man, for the record, Izzy bought me a tee-shirt, the Incredibles on DVD and a new snooker cue :)

I also got a spherical Simpsons jigsaw that me and Izzy threw together today, which is very very cool.

2005-03-31, 3:57 PM #25
Originally posted by Martyn
...I had an awesome birthday...
Glad to hear it :)

I've been putting off a lot of things this week, particularly homework, and this thread, sadly, happens to be no exception. Please accept my late Happy Birthday greetings, and a cake.
May the mass times acceleration be with you.

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