the only times i've questioned death and **** is when i've had my blood taken....i pass out, yet it happens so fast i can't remember the exact time i go blacked out. then i wake up and it's all like snapshots flashing in front of me of the people, distant voices, etc. and i'm nearly hyperventalating cause i'm breathing so hard. that's happened 3 times last year. stupid blood tests.
first time it happened the nurse was all trying to find a vein, so i had to use one of those stress balls, and she got me, i watched the needle thinking it wouldn't be so bad, it hurt a little i started to get a little dizzy, then i told her 'i think i'm going to pass out...i'm going....' and i wake up ON THE FLOOR face-up, but i can't feel anything, my eyes can't move, and all i see is snapshots of people and i hear voices asking me questions like my name, i respond quickly and then i ended up passing out again my stomach/liver/pancreas or whatever hurt and i woke up again the same, then my eyes were able to move....the drug test was after the blood test, and i guess i couldn't hold it.
they tried to send me to the hospital but i refused cause i was feeling better after a 30 minute rest and recovery.
i get to reception at ft leonard wood, mo they decide to give me a blood yay. i think 'piece of cake!' but am pretty nervous, so i turn my head as i was told the reason i passed out last time was because i looked...and BAM
second time it happened.
i remember before waking up, i "thought" i was dead and was trying to communicate through the wahteveritscalled to my MOM that the doctors were giving me shots (at the time i thought i was on my way to heaven or hell cause i couldn't feel anything) anyways i think i screamed 'MOM THEY'RE GIVING ME SHOTS!!!!!!!!' quite loud. (the damn recruiter said there wouldn't be another blood test after reception!!!) when i woke up i was very tingly like pins and needles and i nearly hyperventilated.
it was scary because it was totally not like i was asleep, i remember waking up and it's like before i'm completely "there" i think i'm awaking in heaven or the matrix.
the last time it happened I had a hepatitis b shot, but a good amount of blood squirted out when they gave the shot (i could feel it leaking), i didn't look...i kept telling everybody what i thought was gonna happen...then when i woke up, saw a drill sgt staring at me, i screamed 'HOLY ****!!!!' in front of an audience of about 150. hehe it was classic matrix moment.
so yeah, i'm definetely not donating any of my precious blood.
as for other people dying.....i've been to 2 funerals, my grandma on my mom's side and great grandma on my mom's side died within a year of eachother when i was 12.
that sucked. the first was pretty hard for me cause i didn't see the reality of it til i entered the viewing, scared the **** out of was sad. second was the hardest for me (my grandma) cause we were very close, i remember staying over at her house and she'd always get me stuff and we'd go yardsaling very kind person to everybody.
as for death right now...been a while. =\ but i think i would snap if any of my family members (mom, dad, sister) died.