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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Watch South Park!
Watch South Park!
2005-03-30, 7:27 PM #1
It's the Terry Shiavo episode
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2005-03-30, 7:28 PM #2
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-03-30, 7:29 PM #3
2005-03-30, 7:46 PM #4
I have to admit - sometimes the writing of South Park is simply great.

Watch that episode...

It managed to tie in the PSP, Kenny always dying, a massive battle in heaven, and Terry Shiavo all together.

And it does it in a way that is funny - yet makes a statement that makes you look completely different at the whole thing. You don't have to agree with it - but it's a completely different view on the whole thing (then from the arguments I've heard). And yet for all we know it could be right (not for the PSP reasons though)

Best episode of the season IMO. These episodes are the ones that make me continue watching SP.
2005-03-30, 7:49 PM #5
didn't anyone else see the obvious LotR references with the heaven & hell battle? (helms deep)
tofu sucks
2005-03-30, 7:51 PM #6
Wait, if you died in heaven, where would you go?
2005-03-30, 7:51 PM #7
I'm gonna watch it at 11P.M. My bro watched it and said it was just an outstanding episode
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2005-03-30, 7:54 PM #8
It was a great episode.

And if you die in heaven, maybe you get reincarnated?
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2005-03-30, 8:15 PM #9
Yeah, there were similarities LotR. South Park is known for that though - most of their episodes always seem to make fun of some movie. And you'll notice that's why the angel says "This is 10x bigger then the battle in the last LotR" or something like that...

The hippie one this season was making fun of Armaggedon...etc...
2005-03-30, 9:36 PM #10
Kenny died again?
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-03-30, 9:40 PM #11
Just watched it. AMAZING!
Good stuff.. good stuff..
2005-03-30, 9:43 PM #12
hahaha i'm hooked now XD
Peace is a lie
There is only passion
Through passion I gain strength
Through strength I gain power
Through power I gain victory
Through victory my chains are broken
The Force shall set me free
2005-03-30, 9:44 PM #13
Missed it, sigh.
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
2005-03-30, 9:47 PM #14
Originally posted by FastGamerr
Kenny died again?

goddamn finns spoiling everything...
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2005-03-31, 12:02 AM #15
Best animated shows in order of greatness:

South Park
The Simpsons

Do I dare put Futurama before The Simpsons? You're goddamned right I do.
2005-03-31, 12:58 AM #16
You better put Futurama before the Simpsons, it's a much better show.
"I'm only civil because I don't know any swear words."

2005-03-31, 4:10 AM #17
Originally posted by Insipid
Best animated shows in order of greatness:

Family Guy
South Park
The Simpsons

Do I dare put Futurama before The Simpsons? You're goddamned right I do.

2005-03-31, 6:21 AM #18
I was surprised it was missing, too, Yoshi.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-03-31, 6:23 AM #19
But has the "omfg kenny dies in every episode" fad started again?
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-03-31, 6:54 AM #20
Originally posted by Echoman
Wait, if you died in heaven, where would you go?

Nangilina, obviously. Go read some more Astrid Lindgren.
VTEC just kicked in, yo!
2005-03-31, 6:56 AM #21
this thread pwns!11!
This is not the sig you are looking for. Move along.
2005-03-31, 4:19 PM #22
I watched it and wasn't impressed. I like the pure comedy ones better.
2005-03-31, 4:47 PM #23
The best South Park episode was by far the South Park "Anime" episode... OMFG that was soooooo great.
2005-03-31, 5:07 PM #24
Guess I'll have to catch the rerun....
2005-03-31, 7:38 PM #25
Originally posted by -Monoxide-
The best South Park episode was by far the South Park "Anime" episode... OMFG that was soooooo great.


Cartman at his best.
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2005-03-31, 8:22 PM #26
Originally posted by Clueless_of_Morg
You better put Futurama before the Simpsons, it's a much better show.

Damn skippy. And DJ Yoshi;

The Black Plague > Family Guy.
2005-03-31, 8:24 PM #27
Best animated shows in order of greatness:

Clerks Animated
Family Guy
South Park
The Simpsons

Do I dare put Futurama before The Simpsons? You're goddamned right I do.


Damn ABC. Who the hell wants to watch Regis ****ing Philbin instead of Askewniverse goodness?
2005-03-31, 8:32 PM #28
oh my god bear is driving, how can that be!?

haha i loved this episode.
2005-03-31, 8:33 PM #29
I just saw this south park, and I thought that it was hilarious
These episodes are the ones that make me continue watching SP.

Definetly a lot of LotR stuff in there. Satan's boyfriend "Kevin" was supposed to be like Wormtongue.

p.s. I'm the only one who posted on this thread who doesn't have a custom title. :(
Naked Feet are Happy Feet

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