currently, i'm a freshman at the University of Toledo, but transferring to the Ohio State University for fall quarter.
here's the deal on college -
make sure that you're going to college because *you* want to, and not because your parents think it's in your best interest, or anything like that. it's your decision.
make sure that you're going where *you* want to go, because getting pushed to go somewhere you're not comfortable can ruin the entire experience, and your entire outlook on college.
understand that you'll do more growing up over the next 4 years than you have in the last 17-18. easily.
make some good friends, and spend lots of time with them...but remember that you're there for school.
get involved with a campus activity. i joined the university radio station, and i have my own radio show broadcast live over 88.3 FM from southeast michigan to northwest ohio. it's a blast.
keep in touch with family members and old friends. make sure you know everyone's email address, AIM name, and/or phone number. it's great to hear from old friends.
study what you want to study, even if it's an unpopular decision with your family. when i became a social work major, my conservative grandparents about hit the floor, but i love it.
you don't have to like the guy, but make sure you get along with your roomate and respect his belongings. if he doesn't treat you with the same respect, let him know.
when it comes to packing, make sure you have a computer and a stereo. those are the two college nessecities (ugh, boy, great spelling for a college student...). a working TV and DVD player are added bonuses. bookies, movies, CDs/records, and musical instruments will help prevent bordom as well. buy some posters that you like, because this is one of the few times you can really, really decorate your room exactly how you want to. when it comes to toiletries & such, go through a day (over the summer) and write down everything that you use, then stock up on those before you go away. make sure you have LOTS of extra clothes. you'll need them.
finally, save your extra change. don't spend money unless you HAVE to. it's best not to constantly be at parties where alcohol is being served to minors - the consequences of getting busted (at least around here) are very, very bad.
there's a lot more, but that's all i feel like typing, ha. don't worry, you'll love it. everyone else is scared too.