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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Im fasting.
Im fasting.
2005-04-08, 10:38 PM #1
Im doing a fundraiser with my church called the 30 hour famine, and cant eat for another 20 hours. Fun fun.
Um.. post your longest without eating times.

2005-04-08, 11:23 PM #2
meh, 40 hour famine > 30 hour famine.

on topic, I have gone about a day or two without actual food, (mostly because I was on an IV after a major operation on my leg).
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2005-04-08, 11:36 PM #3
8 Day fast once, 7 days another time.

If you ever go that long without food, do NOT try to fart.
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2005-04-08, 11:39 PM #4
Something like the better part of two days. Not intentional, mind. I was just so sick and feeble that I couldn't keep anything down. Lost some weight.
If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.
2005-04-08, 11:42 PM #5
Couple of days.
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2005-04-08, 11:58 PM #6
Coincidentally, I ate absolutely nothing on Wednesday and most of Thursday because of a nice bit of food poisoning from my dinner on Tuesday...
2005-04-09, 12:21 AM #7
Originally posted by Greenboy
Im doing a fundraiser with my church called the 30 hour famine, and cant eat for another 20 hours. Fun fun.
Um.. post your longest without eating times.

Heh, cool, the world vision thing, right? I'm doing that in two weeks or so with my church, too...

I did it last year, too... It's torture at first, but after the first few hours you don't really notice it anymore (especially if you keep yourself entertained and hydrated)

Heh, last year we had a bet going with our youth group leader, that if we could raise a certain amount of money, she'd have to wear a clown wig for an entire week straight... well, we raised enough money, so she did, and it was hilarious... and stuff

Well, anyways, good luck, and hang in there, heh
2005-04-09, 12:28 AM #8
Ramadan last year
2005-04-09, 12:31 AM #9
I've never fasted in any real sense.
Pissed Off?
2005-04-09, 6:22 AM #10
5 days, no food or juice, only water. On the 5th day I started blacking out, so I ate.
2005-04-09, 7:06 AM #11
Originally posted by Avenger
I've never fasted in any real sense.

Same here, other than skipping a meal every now and then. :p
2005-04-09, 7:45 AM #12
Originally posted by matrixhacker
5 days, no food or juice, only water. On the 5th day I started blacking out, so I ate.
Lightweight. :p
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2005-04-09, 8:15 AM #13
About 2 days
2005-04-09, 9:17 AM #14
pull a terri shavio!
Peace is a lie
There is only passion
Through passion I gain strength
Through strength I gain power
Through power I gain victory
Through victory my chains are broken
The Force shall set me free
2005-04-09, 9:20 AM #15
Originally posted by The_Lost_One
pull a terri shavio!

She was bulimic, its the wannabe's fasting; still eating but just vomitting it up.
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2005-04-09, 9:20 AM #16
Ramadan > *
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2005-04-09, 10:01 AM #17
I haven't eaten any food my entire life.
2005-04-09, 10:03 AM #18
with all my fat i could use something like that:p
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
2005-04-09, 10:56 AM #19
Originally posted by DogSRoOL
If you ever go that long without food, do NOT try to fart.

Why not?

"2 days, yeah, I suck...
2005-04-09, 11:27 AM #20
I don't like self inflicted torture. Longest I've gone is probably 12 hours, and that's when I was sick.
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2005-04-09, 11:28 AM #21
I've been pulling a few two- or three-day fasts lately, mostly because I ran out of money on my meal card. Not eating gives me diarrhea though; it sucks.
2005-04-09, 3:48 PM #22
Originally posted by kyle90
I've been pulling a few two- or three-day fasts lately, mostly because I ran out of money on my meal card. Not eating gives me diarrhea though; it sucks.

Thats nice and healthy.
2005-04-09, 4:58 PM #23
ive been fastin durin ramadan since i was old enough to actually be able to :P i think from about 5-8 i did the half-day ones where it was over at noon..but most kiddies did.
[teletubbie voice] BIG HUG!!!! [/teletubbie voice]
2005-04-09, 5:04 PM #24
What's the point of fasting again?
2005-04-09, 6:08 PM #25
Fasting has some benefits. Some do it for health reasons ( a good way to start Detox). If you have stomach problems or an Ulcer's it is recommended to fast every once in a while. Fasting is also a very good way to up your immune system. Others will do it for spiritual reasons (and believe me around the fifth day of a fast you start to act different).

There are about 3 types of fasting

Juice Fasting = drinking juices so you're body can still get nutrients and eating soups. Basically nothing solid

Water Fasting = The only intake you allow yourself is water

True Fasting = This is the most hardcore someone can fast and usually for only a day or two. It involves no intake at all (not even water).

Usually after the 2nd day of fasting, hunger just goes away and you're filled with a strong positive attitude though you are easily annoyed. A good measurement on the limit of your fast is the coating you start to get on your tongue. The longer you fast, the thicker the coat and once it becomes too thick (meaning you're tongue is no longer a red color) then it has been too long.

I usually fast about 5 days per start of every season to cleanse my body.
Time is but a window
Death is but a doorway
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2005-04-09, 6:17 PM #26
The longest I've been without food AND liquids is probably about 1 day.

Without food, maybe 2. I habe gone for 2-4 days though on only a few glasses of liquid and maybe a few snacks.

Generally, I tend to skip whole meals and then go bananas (no pun intended) at dinner, eating a plate crammed full of food in ~5 minutes. Not healthy. :o
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2005-04-09, 7:32 PM #27
Just finished 1.5 hours ago, wasnt really hungry. I was tired though from painting for 9 hours. One peice of bread filled me up though:P It was fun anyway. Not really unhealthy either for that short ammount of time.

Alpha1, everyone knows that 40 hours is longer then 30, so thats not really relevant:/

2005-04-09, 11:42 PM #28
is it even possible to work and fast at the same time?! i might try that...i only fasted once and that was from the tv/computer for like a month. (i was also bored the whole time, twidlling my thumbs)
Peace is a lie
There is only passion
Through passion I gain strength
Through strength I gain power
Through power I gain victory
Through victory my chains are broken
The Force shall set me free
2005-04-10, 2:55 AM #29
I was once dumped for another guy, by the girl I intended to marry, and I couldn't eat for four days. I honestly don't think that I could have held anything down. On the fourth day, a friend of mine came over and forced me to eat something.
2005-04-10, 4:22 AM #30
Originally posted by alpha1
meh, 40 hour famine > 30 hour famine.

on topic, I have gone about a day or two without actual food, (mostly because I was on an IV after a major operation on my leg).

Seeing as how an IV is meant to give you sustenance, it's more like you went without solid food for a day or two.

I've gone without food for three days...good god, I dunno why, but I was like "Maybe I can just not eat for another meal.." over and over again.

I'm trying to force myself to not eat when I'm not hungry now though....isn't too terribly easy.
2005-04-10, 6:48 AM #31
Originally posted by Boco
Why not?
Because you run a high risk of crapping your pants.

Not that I would know.

Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
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