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ForumsDiscussion Forum → freelancer stargate sg-1 ships?
freelancer stargate sg-1 ships?
2005-04-12, 7:34 PM #1
anyone know of any mod/minimods that feature the x-303 (Prometheus), Asgard Mothership, x-302, or any other sg-1 ship?

also, i'd like to know if anyone knows the link to the sg-1 mod website..... i think i lost the link or something....
I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2005-04-13, 8:44 AM #2
It should be here but it's missing, so I'm guessing the mod shut down.

2005-04-13, 4:11 PM #3
This is the only Freelancer ship mod I know of
It looks pretty good, but it's not out yet.

This site monitors a good number of stargate mods for all sorts of games. This is where I go to reach the other mod sites.
Sam: "Sir we can't call it 'The Enterprise'"
Jack: "Why not!"

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