so a couple weeks ago i was approached and asked if i would like to be made over, completely free. i said "sure why the hell not."
turns out there was a hair convention in town this weekend, and as one of the main events, Carson and Kyan of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy were going to make someone over. they guy they had had lined up was given the thumbs down by C&K, and i was chosen. thats the short story. it would take too long to type the long story.
so now for pictures!
obligitory Before picture:
initial cut and manicure(cant see my face, but really it is me sitting in front of the red shirted lady to the left of C&K):
beginning of styling:
HIGHLIGHTS! (and a pedicure. mmmm foot massage):
Blowdry after colouring:
finishing touches on the hair:
Finished Product:
what thinkst thou?
<Dormouse> there are very few things quite as comforting as smelling like a close friend.
We are only human, perfect in our imperfections. - Erin amie du Dor
<Dormouse> it's really cute in the way that a sherman tank with a fuzzy steering wheel is cute
[This message has been edited by Ford (edited May 03, 2004).]
turns out there was a hair convention in town this weekend, and as one of the main events, Carson and Kyan of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy were going to make someone over. they guy they had had lined up was given the thumbs down by C&K, and i was chosen. thats the short story. it would take too long to type the long story.
so now for pictures!
obligitory Before picture:
initial cut and manicure(cant see my face, but really it is me sitting in front of the red shirted lady to the left of C&K):
beginning of styling:
HIGHLIGHTS! (and a pedicure. mmmm foot massage):
Blowdry after colouring:
finishing touches on the hair:
Finished Product:
what thinkst thou?
<Dormouse> there are very few things quite as comforting as smelling like a close friend.
We are only human, perfect in our imperfections. - Erin amie du Dor
<Dormouse> it's really cute in the way that a sherman tank with a fuzzy steering wheel is cute
[This message has been edited by Ford (edited May 03, 2004).]
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM