The following is my own brief walkthrough of Viridian Room. If you wish to beat the game on your own: DON'T READ BELOW! I highly suggest you beat it on your own. The game is far more rewarding this way. Only use this FAQ/walkthrough if you're ABSOLUTELY stuck. Thanks.
1 - Symbol 1
2 - Symbol 2
3 - Symbol 3 and Incense
4 - Symbols 4 and 5
5 - Symbol 6, Hair-paper, and Lighter.
6 - Pill Container and Key
7 - Combination and CD
8 - Combination: CD and Case
9 - Red Sheet, Lock, Combination: Hair and Lighter, Symbol Game 1
10 - Combine: Pill Container and Symbol Game 1
11 - Combine: Paper Fold and Symbol Game 2, and Soul Box
12 - End Game
1 - Things to remember
2 - Bugs
3 - Cool Stuff
4 - Closing Comments
When beginning, click left and grab the shoes. There's a Chinese symbol beneath them. Take it.
Next, click on the pillows on the left of the screen. Get the symbol under these.
Next, turn left. Click on the shelf. Click on the top shelf. Click left. Grab the card. Click right, then right again. Grab the insence.
Click out of the shelf, then click left on the blue door once. You should be able to see the red blanket, the blue cabinet, and the door. Click on the very gray edge of the lamp. In the upper left hand corner is the next card. In the background, on the wall, you should see another card.
Click on the fridge. There's a beer can within, and a plate of rotten meat. Ignore the can for now. Click on the meet to retrieve the final symbol. Close the fridge. There's a garbage can behind the fridge. Click on it. Get the hair from inside. Leave the trashcan. Go back to the fridge, open and close the fridge, click on the trashcan. Underneath, there is a lighter. Some people can't seem to get the lighter sometimes. If this happens, restart.
Turn towards the black cabinet again. Click on the red blanket. Pull back the blanket. Click on the skeleton. Click towards the left. Take the pill container from his right hand. Repeatedly click on his left hand as he drops a key just below his wrist. Take the key.
Take the red book off the shelf. Click on the key, and use it to open the book. Find a date in the book which tells of the main character having his bike stolen. The date at the top of the page is what you need to remember. The month date first, usually 04 or 05, and the date, which is always different. This will give you a four-digit number. Click to the very back of the journal in order to find the CD.
Examine the CD case. Open the case by clicking on it. Select the CD. Click the open CD case. Close the case.
Go back to the skeleton. Click on the red sheet at his knees. You will have now obtained the red sheet. Click on his feet. Enter the date into the lock combination. first the month number, than the day number. Once the correct number has been entered, examine the hair you received from the trashcan. Select the lighter, but don't examine it. Click either on the lighter, or the hair until dice symbols clearly appear on the parchment. Write these symbols on a piece of paper. square formation lacking corner squares is the design. 6 of these squares will be colored in.
Examine the pill container. Click on the cap. Take out the pills, and finally the parchment. You should be able to make out which symbols you have without examining them. Find on the parchment (The one you wrote down) which symbols signify which dice number. Your symbols should make a 2 by 3 matrix (table) at the top right of your inventory. Instead of attempting to remember which symbol is which number, draw on your paper a 2 by 6 grid matrix. In each box, place the number that the corresponding symbol represents.
Once you've finished with that, examine the red sheet. Click on it until the box-foldings appears. Notice how each side of the soon-to-be box have die numbers on them? Examine the green foldings and select 1,1 from the grid-matrix. Look on your drawing to see which die number it corresponds with. Now click on that die number in the green folding. Continue this until you've finished. If you make a mistake, click on the symbol that is incorrect, and start over. If for some reason, it doesn't work and you think you've got all of your symbols in order, recheck the pill containers page in correspondence with your first drawing of the burnt paper.
Once you've completed the box, it's time to build "The Shrine."
Go to the lower shelf. Select the insentce. Click on the shelf. Select the CD case with CD. Click on the shelf. Select the incentse. Click on the incentse. Turn away from the shrine, and retrieve the chilled Beer from the fridge. Place it onto the shrine. Ring the shrine bell, and you win.
The Beer must be chilled, not slightly cool, or unchilled, but chilled.
The incentse must be burning when you ring the bell.
The bike lock must be off of his legs when you ring the bell.
You must have the soul-box.
The Picture-frame is useless, as are the pictures within the yellow book in the lower portion of the cabinet. Placing them on the shrine will most likely cause you to have to let the beer chill again (2 or 3 clicks elsewhere.) or relight your insentse, which in turn causes the beer to warm up.
Can't lift trashcan.
Can't get key.
Black screen before Viridian even loads.
Can't click on light in beginning of the game.
Can't get red cloth.
Still missing something when the Beer is Chilled, the incentse are burning, and all items are on the table.
In any of the above situations: Restart Viridian. Sometimes you might have to restart multiple times in order for the game to behave properly. People playing the game a second time may experience these issues more than people playing for the first time. Restart your computer if you absolutely can't get past the first black screen.
Sound capture the voice when attempting to exit the room. Play the sound backwards for a hint for the game.
Even if you can't see something on screen, a change in music will tell you that you're where you really shouldn't be... there's a required object around you.
A picture frame is below the red shelf, and 2 pictures are within the yellow book in the lower portion of the cabinet. The pictures can be placed into the picture-frame and placed on the shrine. Most likely, this was a complex trick, as you can place the male or female picture frame into the frame, as well as the empty frame. Not to mention, trying to place the frame on after the CD case won't work. The combinations possible when including the picture frame may throw some gamers off.
Lastly, I'd like to point out: I did this all without a FAQ or walkthrough in less than 10 minutes. It's really not that hard, as long as you think outside of the box. And even then: Where would YOU look in your room? Under, over, within, outside, etc. The only time you really need to think is with the symbol placement, and even then, it's pretty much common sense.
"I was driving along listening to the radio, when Judas Priest comes on. It was 'You've got another thing coming.' All of a sudden, I enter 'VICE CITY RAMAGE MODE' and nearly ran some guy over"
- ]-[ellequin
[This message has been edited by jEDIkIRBY (edited May 04, 2004).]
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