In America, in order to get a good beer, you have to find a good microbrewery. Some larger breweries, such as Kansas City's Boulevard make good beers, but the best beers are made locally. Boulevard Unfiltered Wheat is definately the best semi-mass produced beer.
Locally, Flat Branch Honeywheat and Pale Ale beers are great. Though the Pale Ale has a bit more bite than I like.
As for macro-brewed beers, Budweiser, Michelob, Coors etc. are downright bad. Decent macro-brewed beers include Killian's Irish Red, Red Stripe, and Guiness.
But the best beer I've had by far is some sort of Belgian beer that comes in what looks like a wine bottle. $9 per bottle, but the stuff is amazing. I had some at a party I went to, and haven't had any since. Supposedly, one of the local liquor stores sells it. I don't remember the name, but it was good.
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