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ForumsDiscussion Forum → SW Battlefront II!
SW Battlefront II!
2005-04-21, 12:37 PM #1

Not much yet, but there's supposed to be more coming today...
"It is not advisable, James, to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener."
"Rationality is the recognition of the fact that nothing can alter the truth and nothing can take precedence over that act of perceiving it."
2005-04-21, 12:40 PM #2
Did you like the first one?
2005-04-21, 1:12 PM #3
i loved the first one. it felt more like war than BF1942 and vietnam, IMO. which is weird cause those are based on actual events.
2005-04-21, 2:40 PM #4
Meh you play the first one you get the jist of the second one in this case.
2005-04-21, 3:04 PM #5
I just couldn't stand the AI. Some of the worst AI ever implemented in a AAA game IMO.
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2005-04-21, 3:07 PM #6
I thought it was cool how you could take any vehicles you wanted and go anywhere virtually... and you could kill your own team members... pretty much anything but the AI were a bit dumb at times.
Sneaky sneaks. I'm actually a werewolf. Woof.
2005-04-21, 3:28 PM #7
I just hope they include more than 5 maps. I would also like a more realistic Hoth, with about 5 to 7 AT-ATs, 12 snow speeders, and make their blasters effective against the AT-ST. Also make the shield generator either the final objective for the Empire, or provide some kind of benefit for destroying it/saving it, like more troops/vehicles for the Empire if it gets destroyed. Something other than "oh we destroyed one extra spawn point."

I also hope they make the stationary turrets more effective, since getting into one is suicide. You're a totally stationary target with a low rate of fire, with slow projectiles that are a little more powerful than regular blasters. Make the gun effective.

I also wouldnt mind bigger maps. They felt so small in the first one and only took a long time to walk through on foot because the characters are so slow. Get into an X-wing and you can cover the whole map in 3 seconds.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2005-04-21, 3:31 PM #8
I wrote up a summary of PC Gamer's article on one of the other threads, I'm too lazy to find it :p
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2005-04-21, 3:52 PM #9
Coolest part about BFII? Space combat...

What would be really cool is if they made the Space Combat coincide with teh ground combat. Like, for instance, if the XWings take down the star destroyer in space, it would make it harder for the enemy troops to, i don't know, send troops down or something.

probably a better example is if you take down the shield generator on teh ground, it's a lot easier to take down the ship in space.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2005-04-21, 3:54 PM #10
Is it actually going to be possible to pilot the ships this time?

It was barely possible flying at 1/3 speed in BF.
2005-04-21, 4:01 PM #11
Yeah. If they could implement rogue squadron like space-combat......this game could be awesome.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2005-04-21, 4:09 PM #12
Originally posted by TheJkWhoSaysNi
Is it actually going to be possible to pilot the ships this time?

It was barely possible flying at 1/3 speed in BF.

2005-04-21, 4:43 PM #13
Originally posted by TheJkWhoSaysNi
Is it actually going to be possible to pilot the ships this time?

It was barely possible flying at 1/3 speed in BF.

Piloting the ships themselves is not the problem, IMO. I think the maps were too small.
2005-04-21, 4:54 PM #14
Originally posted by mscbuck
Coolest part about BFII? Space combat...

What would be really cool is if they made the Space Combat coincide with teh ground combat. Like, for instance, if the XWings take down the star destroyer in space, it would make it harder for the enemy troops to, i don't know, send troops down or something.

probably a better example is if you take down the shield generator on teh ground, it's a lot easier to take down the ship in space.

I concur, imagine the Battle of Endor where the success of your death star attack (I think it is mentioned that the battle of yavin will be playable) depend on your ground forces' ability to take out that Death Star shield generator.
2005-04-21, 5:08 PM #15
I wish they would get rid of that stupid bloom effect they have on everything and use the processing power to toss some decent graphics.
2005-04-21, 7:29 PM #16
Originally posted by mscbuck
Yeah. If they could implement rogue squadron like space-combat......this game could be awesome.

I'm pretty sure that's what they're going for this time.

And you can board and capture capital ships, and there will be space-only objectives.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2005-04-21, 7:39 PM #17
The concept was great, but I heard that the first one had dumb AI, poor graphics, and certain lacking elements that called for major patch revisions.

I hope it is more objective-based. I would like to see something along the lines of Enemy Territory + vehicles + Star Wars. Then again, that is just me.

Also, they should have some customization of the classes, as to different weapon configurations and skins. This is something that probably won't happen.

One thing on the main site (I guess LEC has an official site for this title now) that suprised was the fact that BF was the "bestselling Star Wars game of all time." I was expecting it to be one of the JK's or KOTOR.
2005-04-21, 8:03 PM #18
Gahh! They're using the same crappy engine! It looks terrible. Typical! Developing for the lowest common denominator, the console. :rolleyes: I can't wait till the next gen consoles come out.
2005-04-21, 8:11 PM #19
I'm not sure the platform is to blame for the graphics, myself.
2005-04-21, 8:49 PM #20
I liked Battlefront's graphics. The characters felt nice and solid. All in all, Battlefront was an awesome game. I played it for a long time and got a great deal of enjoyment out of it. I can't wait for the sequel, which I will definately get. Battlefront was a good game, but I don't play it constantly (Like, oh, say, CoD.)
2005-04-21, 9:11 PM #21
Ha ha. I feel kinda dumb. I thought it said "SW Battlefront III" for a minute. That would be an odd move for LucasArts.

Well, I never played BF1, though I heard it was pretty buggy. Maybe 2 will be better.

Or maybe I'll buy BF1, because when BF2 comes out, 1 will be(possibly) cheaper. . .hmm. . .
2005-04-21, 10:06 PM #22
Originally posted by JDKNITE188
I hope it is more objective-based. I would like to see something along the lines of Enemy Territory + vehicles + Star Wars. Then again, that is just me.

That would just rock. I believe some of the maps to work that way. One of the maps I saw and read about in PC Gamer was the Tantive IV raid from ANH. Looked promising in that regard.
Pissed Off?
2005-04-22, 12:17 AM #23
Unreal Tournament Assault mode, anyone?
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2005-04-22, 12:23 AM #24
Am I the only person excited about the whole "you get to play as a jedi" thing?
>>untie shoes
2005-04-22, 12:48 AM #25
The jedi thing better be very very limited. Like one jedi per team, like in BF 1, and obviously they cant be invincible. Unless maybe they redo the Geonosis battle, then a few Jedi is acceptable.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2005-04-22, 4:00 AM #26
Originally posted by Bill
Am I the only person excited about the whole "you get to play as a jedi" thing?

I have other games for when I want to be a jedi.

But I do agree with Snake.
2005-04-22, 12:10 PM #27
Yeah but I always wanted to be a jedi in a big battle like that.
>>untie shoes
2005-04-22, 5:27 PM #28
Certain maps should have "mass Jedi" enabled, ie the Geonosian arena (not saying it's in there, but a lot of people are talking about it)
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2005-04-22, 7:33 PM #29
Originally posted by KOP_Snake
Unreal Tournament Assault mode, anyone?

I liked the idea, but the game doesn't have that feel that would accompany a serious objective-based game mode. UT2k4 Assault felt like FFA with some slight reason to be killing and jumping and fragging around and around a certain place. Most goals were to just stand on a pad until a door opened or just blow something up . . .

On the other hand, Onslaught is awesome.
2005-04-22, 8:55 PM #30
Originally posted by Darkjedibob
Certain maps should have "mass Jedi" enabled, ie the Geonosian arena (not saying it's in there, but a lot of people are talking about it)

Maybe...but the separatists wouldn't have mass jedi capabilities. They would have to get some massive non-jedi bonuses on that level just to keep it from being a total slaughter.
2005-04-22, 10:27 PM #31
Well how about their team is roughly four times as large as the jedi?
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2005-04-23, 2:03 PM #32
In space, the action feels more like Rogue Leader than Colony Wars or Starlancer, but it's a much, much smoother experience than that GameCube title and even Battlefront the first. Ship control is quick, if limited, and the game now includes Crimson Skies inspired special maneuvers handy for eluding enemies in a pinch.

I guess this is as close as it'll get to a new Star Wars X-Wing game.
2005-04-23, 2:35 PM #33
Originally posted by KOP_Snake
Well how about their team is roughly four times as large as the jedi?

That sounds like one hell of a bonus to me.

And where's the rebel bonus on hoth to compensate for the At-At walkers? I rest my case.
>>untie shoes

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