Except the order of the Zelda games is widely debated. I recognized a somewhat similar order from Kirby021591's "The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past" FAQ found on GameFAQS.
Kirby021591's order:
- The Minish Cap
- Ocarina of Time
- Majora's Mask
- A Link to the Past
- The Legend of Zelda
- Link's Awakening
- The Adventure of Link
- Oracle of Ages
- Oracle of Seasons
- Four Swords
- Four Swords Adventures
- The Wind Waker
And Jon`C's (which was missing a few games):
- Minish Cap
- Four Swords
- Four Swords Adventures
- Ocarina of Time.
- Wind Waker
- (possibly new game)
- LttP
- original Zelda
- Adventure of Link.
Besides missing a few games, let's ask at least this: why does Ganon show up in his monsterous form BEFORE OoT?
You give me the study where they have
retarded children agree on an order and their logical reason and I'll give you your credit.
Just because the pieces to connect the games together are there doesn't mean they REQUIRE you to connect them by any means.
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