I don't particularly enjoy the feeling of major alcohol intoxication, so I will relate my first time with 4-Acetoxy-DiPT.
Dose- Unknown altogether. Amounts were estimated by eye.
T- ~20 mg oral
T+10- ~20 mg oral
T+15- ~20 mg oral
T+20- ~7 mg oral
Body weight- 140 lbs.
I first hear of the substance by way of a friend, Z. Z. enrolled in the same philosophy class as I in the beginning of the semester (which I ended up dropping immediately). We happened to meet another mutual friend in the class. After the lecture, Z. and this mutual were chatting, and Z. brought up an experience he had over winter break with a hallucinogen known as "DiPT." He asked the mutual friend to trip with him that evening, and when she denied, reproposed the question to me. While I was a bit uncertain about tripping on a weekday night, he assured me it lasted only four hours with no hangover effect. I agreed.
As we returned the dorm, he invited me into his room. This ended up as the setting for most of the trip. A small, first-floor room, painted off-white with a few chairs, two desks, two cabinets, a bunked bed, and a few milk crates for furniture. Sigur Ros was playing on a tinny stereo system. My mood was up, and curious, if a little nervous about taking a new substance, which is natural. While he prepared the drug, I attempted to get his laptop online using a Knoppix hack I've done a few times before. Failing this, I look up the drug on
Z. did not mention how he came acquired the substance, and respecting his privacy, and I did not inquire any further. He mentioned taking the substance a number of times over break, culminating in an overdose (in the most literal sense of the word) and bad trip at least once. He explained that the substance was known for its auditory distortions. The drug was purchased as a research chemical online, for a site in Japan, with minor documentation in Japanese. It came in a bag of 1000 mg. Its natural state was small crystals, which Z. crushed into a fine powder using a Studentenausweiß. The powder was to be mixed with soda, and drank. The effect would come on in about fifteen minutes.
Lacking a scale, the amount had to be eye-balled. I found this practice to be a bit risky, but he was extremely sparing in his amounts. We would have searched for one, but that would attract undue attention, which we already had enough of. A few people had seen the two of us retreat into a locked room, and in a tight-knit community such as our dorm tended to be, this was considered very peculiar. We could hear voices outside the room at times. Z. became a bit paranoid about this, but I assured him that we were doing an unscheduled substance, and that we would not run into trouble.
We imbibed around 8 PM. Z. warned me that the taste would be terrible, and drank his quickly while holding his nose. While slightly bitter, I did not find it overwhelming, and drank it without problem. Z. and I were about the same stature and body type, and predicted we would hit about the same time. We waited in silence, and occasionally checked our pupils for dilation. About ten minutes later, we felt nothing except for a slight nervous feeling, comparable to the "Fear" that accompanies the beginning of an LSD trip. We redosed again.
He explained some of his previous encounters with the drug, especially how strange trees were perceived on it. There was a tree outside of the window, which we looked at to see if anything happened. We did not notice any effects still, and he said something along the lines of, "Hey, do you really want to trip balls?" and we redosed again.
Approximately 25 minutes after the original dose, I began to notice the effects. Looking at the radiator, I saw the grates moving back and forth. I pointed this out to Z., who claimed to see it, as well. I was very alert, and my mind was remarkably clear. Looking at the ceiling, the uneven paint job seemed to shimmer like waves towards the molding on the wall. I found this very intriguing, and spent a few minutes regarding this phenomenon. During this time, Z. took the chance to pop in an Aqua Teen Hunger Force DVD, which we did not pay much attention to.
I first noticed the sound distortions at this time. Sitting next to his small refrigerator, I noticed it made a distinct, and very loud (in my mind) humming sound. The thought of an animal singing its young to sleep came to my mind. The sound was not altogether soothing, and became painfully noticeable at times. I could not notice the music, and repeatedly asked if anything was still being played. Everything seemed draped in sort of ambient sound, a minor synthaesthetic effect. Looking through a book of abstract art, we both noticed patterns and pictures where there were normally none. We turned to the DVD playing. I noticed an increased analysis of the situation occuring on screen, which I would normally have watched casually, and a sort of emotional attachment to what was happening. I found much of it fairly disturbing. We were coming to somewhat of a peak, and things became more intense. Z. constantly noted that he did not want to be tripping any harder than he was, and I noted some anxiety about him. Sounds were almost painfully loud, and I felt as if sensory overload could easily occur. I was still having visuals, although I couldn't keep my eyes in one place too long. I had sporadic nerve bursts, and kept changed my position every few seconds. My limbs felt very strange, and I clenched my jaw and stomach tightly. My head throbbed and a complex, square-like fractal pattern would flash before my eyes. I remarked that it felt like "my brain was being made into microchips."
The DVD was becoming too much. We were currently on the "Broodwich" episode, and I found the situations, imagery, and sounds to be utterly horrifying and grotesque. Z. noted, "We don't need this any more," and promptly shut it off. We both gave an uncomfortable giggle of relief. Outside, I noticed the tree looking somewhat alien, and we decided to venture outwards. It was extremely cold, and we could not spend much time out there. The only thing I noticed was the overwhelming sense of cold.
Upon returning indoors, we saw Z.'s roomate had come back. Noticing something strange about our demeanors, he asked if we were on something, and if he could have some, as well. I originally advised him against it, but Z. dosed out a small amount. He did not say much during his trip, and only listened to music by himself with headphones.
We looked for some stimulus to keep our minds off the body load, and Z. pointed us to another room, and looked for something. With clumsy hands, he found a VHS copy of Ghost in the Shell, and we managed to figure out how to play it. I was uterally amazed. I felt utterly in sync with the movie, even if I did not understand what was happening. I latched on to the complex visual style, and even though I had no idea what the dialogue meant, the words seemed so perfect. After about 20 minutes of the film, however, Z. grew bored, and we returned to his room, leaving the film on. I could still hear the music, and I felt as if I was in the film as I walked away.
We proceeded to waste time, at this point. Z. put on some electronic music on his laptop, with the visualizer on. This left me completely enrapt. Z. warned me against getting too involved, and I looked away, as he sounded quite anxious. Soon, the trip began to wind down. We returned to the room where we watched the video, and its occupant had returned with a few other people. Z. conversed with them somewhat, but I remained quiet, and watched someone play Mario Sunshine on Gamecube. Most of the visuals and sound distortions were gone by now, and I was only left with the body load, which was not the worst I've had. Smoking a bit of cannabis might have reinvigorated the trip, but I could tell Z. desired to return to reality. I parted ways with him at this time, and proceeded to wander, looking for people I knew. I found this uninteresting, and as I was pretty beat, I returned to my room. It was approximately midnight, maybe a little later. I had class at 11:30 the next day, and decided to get some sleep, in case any hangover effects were to occur. I found that none did, and woke up refreshed, with another fairly powerful psychedelic experience under my belt.
I would go on to do DiPT once more, but I was dosed too low, and could only trip with the help of extreme amounts of cannabis. It was fairly interesting, however, and if I were to get my hands on the substance again, I would see how a low-dose compares with a higher-dose.