NONSENSE. Tolkien's work may be a rich and glorious melange of a mural of a montage of a mandala of a masterpeice of an epic and far above all other literature anywhere ever (except the Bible
) but its BEST PART is it is so dang easy to read. Thats why we all read it as young KIDS, when Dostoevsky or Henry V was still a bit too out there.
If anyone thinks its boring, well, thats a pity and their loss. But also their opinion, one thing you can never help is if you like something, you just do or you don't.
Personally I enjoyed 'the Frighteners' but it was far too formulaic to be anything great. (imho)
One thing I remember about PJ, after he made some early gross-out stuff, back in the mid-80's, I saw an interview with him and they asked him his influences. "Star Wars and Time Bandits" he replied, my most-seen movies. "Must keep an eye on this guy" I thought, and promptly forgot about him til LotR.
He's good, but all he did was put the most popular story in the English language on film. Who couldn't make a success out of that? Lets not get carried away.
You, sir, are history's greatest monster! :banned: