This has nothing to do with Sarn's story, but still crazy nonetheless.
It all started around 12:20 pm today. I'm at work (at a gas station) and my boss gets a call and starts freaking out and yelling "Oh my god, I'm coming!" and then leaves. From what I could gather, one of he kids (she has 6) got into a car accident or something, since she mentioned something about what road it was on while on the phone..
So she leaves, and I'm left alone in the store, which means I basically cant leave the register to take care of things like running out of coffee and replacing hotdogs that have turned to rubber on the roller grill.
So I go to find the page with employee phone numbers to call and try to get some help. The only problem is, the page isn't in the same spot that it has been in for the last 2 years that I've worked there... It's gone. So I have to find the phone book and start trying to find someones name in there. Well I got someone and they eventually came in and I got things taken care of from there.
So the boss comes back to explain what happened, and her daughters boyfriend, Dustin, shot and killed himself. No one else was hurt, and the girlfriend was breaking up with him for some other guy, which is what is assumed to be what pushed him over the edge (he wasn't suicidal before this as far as I know).
The boss went home shortly after explaining what happened.
A creepy part about this is that a few months, maybe a year ago, the boss's daughter came in, and the boss asks "what are you up to today?" to which she replies "we're going to look at guns." "Oh because he just turned 21, right?" I think it was for hunting, but bizarre to think about.
So after a loooong day at work, I come home thinking this will be some crazy story for my mom to hear. Well she wasn't home. She was over at a friends house. When she called me a little later I ask if she went to some party she said she was going to, and she says "No I'm over at friends house instead. It's been a rough day. Diana's son Paul, you know him?" I dont, but I still say "sure.." and she says "Well his brother killed himself today." and I'm like whoa whoa... "Who?" "Diana's son, Paul." "His name is Paul?" "No, not him, his brother..."
I say "My boss's daughters boyfriend killed himself today too..." My mom is like "What?! Is his name Dustin?" "Yea..."
I only saw the guy like once for 30 seconds one time way back, and never figured my mom would even have any connection to him. But apparently she knew him fairly well, and it was the last thing I expected her to mention something about.
Well its no story about some shootout and picture taking robots covert pizza deliveries, but it was... weird. If I find a news article to go along with it, I'll edit the post to include a link.
It all started around 12:20 pm today. I'm at work (at a gas station) and my boss gets a call and starts freaking out and yelling "Oh my god, I'm coming!" and then leaves. From what I could gather, one of he kids (she has 6) got into a car accident or something, since she mentioned something about what road it was on while on the phone..
So she leaves, and I'm left alone in the store, which means I basically cant leave the register to take care of things like running out of coffee and replacing hotdogs that have turned to rubber on the roller grill.
So I go to find the page with employee phone numbers to call and try to get some help. The only problem is, the page isn't in the same spot that it has been in for the last 2 years that I've worked there... It's gone. So I have to find the phone book and start trying to find someones name in there. Well I got someone and they eventually came in and I got things taken care of from there.
So the boss comes back to explain what happened, and her daughters boyfriend, Dustin, shot and killed himself. No one else was hurt, and the girlfriend was breaking up with him for some other guy, which is what is assumed to be what pushed him over the edge (he wasn't suicidal before this as far as I know).
The boss went home shortly after explaining what happened.
A creepy part about this is that a few months, maybe a year ago, the boss's daughter came in, and the boss asks "what are you up to today?" to which she replies "we're going to look at guns." "Oh because he just turned 21, right?" I think it was for hunting, but bizarre to think about.
So after a loooong day at work, I come home thinking this will be some crazy story for my mom to hear. Well she wasn't home. She was over at a friends house. When she called me a little later I ask if she went to some party she said she was going to, and she says "No I'm over at friends house instead. It's been a rough day. Diana's son Paul, you know him?" I dont, but I still say "sure.." and she says "Well his brother killed himself today." and I'm like whoa whoa... "Who?" "Diana's son, Paul." "His name is Paul?" "No, not him, his brother..."
I say "My boss's daughters boyfriend killed himself today too..." My mom is like "What?! Is his name Dustin?" "Yea..."
I only saw the guy like once for 30 seconds one time way back, and never figured my mom would even have any connection to him. But apparently she knew him fairly well, and it was the last thing I expected her to mention something about.
Well its no story about some shootout and picture taking robots covert pizza deliveries, but it was... weird. If I find a news article to go along with it, I'll edit the post to include a link.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."