I havn't, simply because I don't care. I have bigger things to worry about than some girl that, purposefully or not, is going to drain me of my time and money. I have school, friends, family, and soon to be a job, that need my attention more. It's funny, though, that because I don't give a **** about girls, most of the girls I know want in my pants. Sucks to be them.
Am I an uncaring, insensitive *******? Nah, not really. I have my crushes and infatuations, just like every other guy my age. But I'm smart enough to know that I have higher priorities than getting some. I don't need to be in, or to have been in, a relationship to be happy with my life, especially when I have so much else to take care of. I'm not saying relationships are evil, and yeah, I plan to be in one someday, but to be honest, right now I don't have the time, money, or the patience to spare.