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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Guess What...
Guess What...
2005-05-02, 3:41 PM #41
Awww thats cute Trezy.. :D

I'm sure you'll be very happy

( ... i give it 2 weeks )
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2005-05-04, 9:50 AM #42
i've not had my virginity for nearly 6y. it really isnt hard to get a girlfriend. but it helps not to be a whale penis.

it also helps to be able to spell.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2005-05-04, 9:59 AM #43
2005-05-04, 10:08 AM #44
Here's one hint: if she dumps you and says " let's just be friends", don't expect it to work. Happened to me and we haven't said more than 20 words in 5 months. That and the fact that seeing them is extremely awkward...
2005-05-04, 10:47 AM #45
Originally posted by drizzt2k2
You mean to tell me...that some of you..have never had a girlfriend? Above the age of 16?

I havn't, simply because I don't care. I have bigger things to worry about than some girl that, purposefully or not, is going to drain me of my time and money. I have school, friends, family, and soon to be a job, that need my attention more. It's funny, though, that because I don't give a **** about girls, most of the girls I know want in my pants. Sucks to be them.

Am I an uncaring, insensitive *******? Nah, not really. I have my crushes and infatuations, just like every other guy my age. But I'm smart enough to know that I have higher priorities than getting some. I don't need to be in, or to have been in, a relationship to be happy with my life, especially when I have so much else to take care of. I'm not saying relationships are evil, and yeah, I plan to be in one someday, but to be honest, right now I don't have the time, money, or the patience to spare.
2005-05-04, 1:26 PM #46
Originally posted by Dizzy Devil
Aw that's cute your first girlfriend... hopeful you get a couple of months before she breaks your heart I got about a year.
I got about 3 months. :( But I don't actually care now. I actually haven't dated since I was like 17. So... about 5-6 years now.
Originally posted by HAcKSaw
Here's one hint: if she dumps you and says " let's just be friends", don't expect it to work. Happened to me and we haven't said more than 20 words in 5 months. That and the fact that seeing them is extremely awkward...
Not really. I'm still friends with all my ex's.
Originally posted by Vincent Valentine
It's called being realistic.

...I wanna get laid...
Dude, I'm right here. :(
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2005-05-04, 1:54 PM #47
Originally posted by drizzt2k2
You mean to tell me...that some of you..have never had a girlfriend? Above the age of 16?

Does it matter?

There's about 45003460930463463468 more important things in my life other than a girl. Plus that costs MONEY.
2005-05-04, 2:01 PM #48
My conclusion:

You're all gay.

Go have mansex... or whatever it is that you "happy" people do...
2005-05-04, 2:09 PM #49
Oh just go die already.
2005-05-04, 5:41 PM #50
Shut up. I most certainly am not. How about you?
2005-05-04, 6:21 PM #51
Originally posted by Rob
My conclusion:

You're all gay.

Go have mansex... or whatever it is that you "happy" people do...

Hahahaha. You people make me laugh.
Skateboarding is not a crime.
2005-05-04, 7:44 PM #52
Seriously Rob what crawled up your *** and died? You really like putting down everybody. Especially Linkin Park.
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