Thought he was onto something.
Posts: 1,364
Yeah exactly. If I posted everytime my GF is late the space-time fabric would rip and we would go back in time or something. Making a post when she isn't late, now that would be a challenge. That day seems far away now though.
Bill, what you need to do is mess with her watch, more importantly her biological rhythm ahd ultimately her mind. Set up some mathematically analysed timetables. During those times, you have to literally shine a massive intergalactically huge beam of light in her face, thus messing with her day-night sun cycle rhythm. Shine it in her face at 2am for a few hours, then let her go to sleep by the time she has to go to school/work. Once you get rid of her sense of time, you can reprogram it.
Side effects are of course that her personality will die. With every cloud comes a silver lining though, as you can build a totally new girlfriend like that. You could train her to make better spaghetti, and say to you 'Bill, master of my universe' after every sentence (sentences produced by her brand new personality). If you really want a laugh, install a voice in her mind that shouts out 'LEFT' every time she goes right somewhere. Fun for the entire family!
Hope all goes well!
■■■■■■■■ enshu