Edit: To quantify my statement:
Mars has a mass of .708e21 tons. Earth has a mass of 6.58e21 tons. Earth is
about 9.3 times the mass of Mars. The planet described in the first link is around 14 times the mass of Earth. It's no less Earth-like than Mars is.
Mars' atmospheric density is 0.020 kg/m^3. Compared to Earth's atmospheric density of 1.23 kg/m^3. Earth has an atmospheric pressure of
around 169 times that of Mars. Additionally, there is no evidence to indicate that Mars once held an atmosphere of greater pressure. In fact the greatest two contributors to the formation of a planetary atmosphere appear to be
gravity and a low temperature. Mars has the latter but is completely lacking in the former, thus its low pressure.
As for water, even the scant traces of it on Mars are difficult to detect from this far away. There might be some on the planet we detected, but not enough to support any macrobiological/multicellular life.