... ok, if anyone here saw my post the other day and actually give a damn about me, you probably heard that I went to the dentist on Tuesday to get my wisdom teeth out. Here is a nice update on how it went and how I'm doing now.... in case any gives a damn.
For the operation, instead of gassing me like I thought they would, they just gave it to me via an IV to knock me out. Funny thing about it was that I have absolutely no memory of falling asleep. All I remember is laying there, watching them prepare their tools and then like 5 seconds later, I was awake and wired up. I'm not sure if my Dad is just messing with me or not but he told me that when I woke up, I was acting like a crazy drunk. Apparently I was so wild that one of the dental assistants was laughing his *** off and my Dad felt horribly embarrased to be near me. All I can remember is them taking me to another chair and remember how I had double vision and actually thought there was another me standing next to me
That was a weird feeling!
Anyway, once I got home, my alertness came back to me so I was well aware what was going on after that. My father then went to pick my mother up from work while I laid in bed. After a while, my jaw started to hurt like hell and I was starting to gag on my blood so I decided (in a panic mind you) to spit the gauze out and go rense my mouth out. BIG MISTAKE! I was in horrible agony as I spent and I was moaning and crying like a child (hey, it hurt man! Shut the hell up if you think I'm being a wuss!). My parents got home just then to hear me cry in pain and my Dad shouted "Dammit! We should had gotten the damn medicine!" and he went to the store to get it. While he was gone, my mother help replace the gauze in my mouth and I went back to lay in bed. She then ask me what foods she should have my father get and I told her to get me some pudding and apple sause. I finally got my pills a while later (both pain killer and anti-bodic) and spent the night just watching TV while changing the gauze every now and then and eating some pudding.
On Wednesday morning, my bleeding had stop so I no longer had to worry about putting gauze in my mouth. However, I was strangly getting nausea for some odd reason. I spoke to my father about it and he told me that since the painkiller is a narcotic that its probably making me sick and recommended that I just drink 7up to relieve it. When he told me that though, I assumed it was just his opinion so I didn't bother drinking 7up. In the middle of the day, I decided to take a shower to see if that would make me feel better. I didn't. I wound up vomiting in the sink like 5 times after my shower. The vomiting actually made me feel better but I wasn't quite well enough to get on the computer so I went back to sleep. When my mother came home from work, she told me that the pain killer had a side effect of causing nausea. Great... what a great pill! Apparently its a catch 22 - either have massive mouth pain or vomit yourself silly! Ohhhh!!! However, the nausea symptom could be relieved by just drinking lots of 7up. Apparently my father was right yet I completely he talked to me about that. When he got home, he was apparently in a bad mood about his job when I told him that how the pain killer had a nausea effect. He freaking bit my head off, saying "I just told you that, didn't I? Don't you ever listen to your father?" Man... what a jerk! Yes, I realized he said that but I didn't think it was official until my mother read me the symptoms off the paper about the drug. Anyway, to me father, "Anger Management" is a non-existant concept to him so he goes flying off the handle about me not respecting him and how he hates his job. I'm usually a calm person and usually don't blow my top but I told him straight off to get off my *** and that just because he is made that he doesn't have a "license" to go around and piss everyone else off. A while later, he comes back and says he is sorry for taking it out on me. I reluctantly accept his apology (I only accept because its a Christian's duty to always forgive, even though my flesh clearly didn't want to)
Ooops, I guess I wrote a little too much than you guys wanted to read. Ok, here is a short version for you lazy buttheads that hate long posts:
- I went to dentist. I got IV instead of Gas and was knocked out before I realized it.
- Few seconds later, I woke up and acted like a crazy drunk. Assistant was ROFL'ing, my father embarrassed.
- Went home. Freaked out about pain and wash mouth. Big mistake. Was in agony and cried like a little girl.
- Parents give me pills and soft food and I watch TV the rest of the night.
- Next day, Bleeding has stopped but I get nausea. Dad tells me about the painkiller making me sick and drinking 7up.
- I take shower to try to relieve nausea. I vomit in sink afterwards.
- Mom comes home. Tells me that the pain killer causes nausea and 7up is the remedy for it.
- Dad comes home. Bits my head off while mad about work. I tell him to piss off. He comes back later and apologizes.
There... was that a faster read you punks!
..ahem... anyway, I'm feeling better now. Hope you enjoyed my post... assuming you give a damn!
For the operation, instead of gassing me like I thought they would, they just gave it to me via an IV to knock me out. Funny thing about it was that I have absolutely no memory of falling asleep. All I remember is laying there, watching them prepare their tools and then like 5 seconds later, I was awake and wired up. I'm not sure if my Dad is just messing with me or not but he told me that when I woke up, I was acting like a crazy drunk. Apparently I was so wild that one of the dental assistants was laughing his *** off and my Dad felt horribly embarrased to be near me. All I can remember is them taking me to another chair and remember how I had double vision and actually thought there was another me standing next to me

Anyway, once I got home, my alertness came back to me so I was well aware what was going on after that. My father then went to pick my mother up from work while I laid in bed. After a while, my jaw started to hurt like hell and I was starting to gag on my blood so I decided (in a panic mind you) to spit the gauze out and go rense my mouth out. BIG MISTAKE! I was in horrible agony as I spent and I was moaning and crying like a child (hey, it hurt man! Shut the hell up if you think I'm being a wuss!). My parents got home just then to hear me cry in pain and my Dad shouted "Dammit! We should had gotten the damn medicine!" and he went to the store to get it. While he was gone, my mother help replace the gauze in my mouth and I went back to lay in bed. She then ask me what foods she should have my father get and I told her to get me some pudding and apple sause. I finally got my pills a while later (both pain killer and anti-bodic) and spent the night just watching TV while changing the gauze every now and then and eating some pudding.
On Wednesday morning, my bleeding had stop so I no longer had to worry about putting gauze in my mouth. However, I was strangly getting nausea for some odd reason. I spoke to my father about it and he told me that since the painkiller is a narcotic that its probably making me sick and recommended that I just drink 7up to relieve it. When he told me that though, I assumed it was just his opinion so I didn't bother drinking 7up. In the middle of the day, I decided to take a shower to see if that would make me feel better. I didn't. I wound up vomiting in the sink like 5 times after my shower. The vomiting actually made me feel better but I wasn't quite well enough to get on the computer so I went back to sleep. When my mother came home from work, she told me that the pain killer had a side effect of causing nausea. Great... what a great pill! Apparently its a catch 22 - either have massive mouth pain or vomit yourself silly! Ohhhh!!! However, the nausea symptom could be relieved by just drinking lots of 7up. Apparently my father was right yet I completely he talked to me about that. When he got home, he was apparently in a bad mood about his job when I told him that how the pain killer had a nausea effect. He freaking bit my head off, saying "I just told you that, didn't I? Don't you ever listen to your father?" Man... what a jerk! Yes, I realized he said that but I didn't think it was official until my mother read me the symptoms off the paper about the drug. Anyway, to me father, "Anger Management" is a non-existant concept to him so he goes flying off the handle about me not respecting him and how he hates his job. I'm usually a calm person and usually don't blow my top but I told him straight off to get off my *** and that just because he is made that he doesn't have a "license" to go around and piss everyone else off. A while later, he comes back and says he is sorry for taking it out on me. I reluctantly accept his apology (I only accept because its a Christian's duty to always forgive, even though my flesh clearly didn't want to)
Ooops, I guess I wrote a little too much than you guys wanted to read. Ok, here is a short version for you lazy buttheads that hate long posts:
- I went to dentist. I got IV instead of Gas and was knocked out before I realized it.
- Few seconds later, I woke up and acted like a crazy drunk. Assistant was ROFL'ing, my father embarrassed.
- Went home. Freaked out about pain and wash mouth. Big mistake. Was in agony and cried like a little girl.
- Parents give me pills and soft food and I watch TV the rest of the night.
- Next day, Bleeding has stopped but I get nausea. Dad tells me about the painkiller making me sick and drinking 7up.
- I take shower to try to relieve nausea. I vomit in sink afterwards.
- Mom comes home. Tells me that the pain killer causes nausea and 7up is the remedy for it.
- Dad comes home. Bits my head off while mad about work. I tell him to piss off. He comes back later and apologizes.
There... was that a faster read you punks!
..ahem... anyway, I'm feeling better now. Hope you enjoyed my post... assuming you give a damn!
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!