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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Its summer time...
Its summer time...
2005-05-09, 8:44 AM #1
finals are over so i'm breaking out the dance moves :D. Learning stuff off here because i'm a dork:

So who else wants to learn the windmill? Then if I might try this also.
"The only crime I'm guilty of is love [of china]"
- Ruthven
me clan me mod
2005-05-09, 9:27 AM #2
Doesn't pommy or somebody here breakdance?
2005-05-09, 9:57 AM #3
Can I point out that it's still spring?
2005-05-09, 10:36 AM #4
My bad, its just i jump out of school thinking summer time after finals :(
"The only crime I'm guilty of is love [of china]"
- Ruthven
me clan me mod
2005-05-09, 11:02 AM #5
The best kind of dance: Pretending you've got ants crawling all over you. Try it, it really works. :D
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2005-05-09, 1:21 PM #6
I still have 4 weeks. :(
2005-05-09, 9:42 PM #7
Hey, I just wrote a personal narrative about when I met Crazy Legs.
Aquapark - Untitled JK Arena Level - Prism CTF
2005-05-09, 11:17 PM #8
You missed a jam that was this past saturday.

click for flyer.

It was a good one, too. Lots of hype.

And that site sucks. So much misinformation.
My suggestion to you: get as involved in your local scene as possible and go to jams. Because, if you rely on the internet, you get a retarded skewed perception of what "breakdancing" is and when you actually get into the scene people will laugh at you, you'll start arguments, and everyone will be angry for no reason. Bboying has a ridiculously tedious learning curve, and part of the process is to experience more and more and learn the aspects that can't be taught -- stuff about the culture, how things are done, how you develop your own style, etc. Just like you could spend all your effort 24/7 learning Japanese, but you wouldn't know how to "act" as a Japanese person would in Japan.

(psst mills are easssssssssssssy. ;)) [/color]
2005-05-10, 4:12 PM #9
I can front flip (on ground, and also trampoline), but it takes a while to land it good. The landing was the hardest part to perfect.
Very funny Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.
2005-05-10, 4:38 PM #10
How long did it take you to learn Pommy, what kind of clubs would you go to? All the clubbing places I know of only do dances and not real bboying.
"The only crime I'm guilty of is love [of china]"
- Ruthven
me clan me mod
2005-05-10, 5:25 PM #11
I'm a 250 lb man who could nip-up. ( you know, that flashy fall on shoulders, kick up to feet thing?)
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...

2005-05-11, 12:04 AM #12
Originally posted by tinny
How long did it take you to learn Pommy, what kind of clubs would you go to? All the clubbing places I know of only do dances and not real bboying.

Don't bboy at clubs. Ask people you know who dance and find out when jams are.

Your very very best choice would be to find a session spot where crew(s) train, get to know the people, join the crew, and have someone "son" you (take you in, be your mentor, teach you foundations, history, etc). But that's hard to do.

I've been dancing for like uhh a year and a year and 8-9 months. Still relatively inexperienced and suck, but my throwdowns are finally developing real flow and .. stuff.

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