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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Does 19 years REALLY matter...
Does 19 years REALLY matter...
2005-05-11, 10:45 PM #1
When you're in love with Yod....I mean a woman?

OF COURSE NOT! But it DOES look odd to passerbys!

5 years ago I would have seen the 20 year old guys going out with the 40 year old women and thought "Oh god thats sick, I'll NEVER do that".

Well time changes things let me tell you...Its GREAT to get this off my chest...

Discuss :P

P.S. I *really* want a Stormtrooper outfit for halloween at work this year. Any suggestions?

And fyi, parents arn't too keen on either idea...wearing stormtrooper outfits in public OR being seen with a woman 19 years older than you in public.
2005-05-11, 10:49 PM #2
Find a place to rent one.

I'm actually about to purchase a stormtrooper armor kit.

Yes, I am the alpha nerd.

Well no... lately I've been thinking... I'm still very young. I'm going to explore several childhood dreams before I reach real life.

That, and stormie armor > you

If you were interested in purchasing a kit, I can hook you up with some info. However, it's a $200 deposit.

In total it's $700+$60 shipping and handling.

Plus whatever you spend on extras after the fact.
2005-05-11, 10:59 PM #3
2005-05-11, 10:59 PM #4

Good times.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-05-11, 11:00 PM #5
Me? Yes I'm serious.
2005-05-11, 11:29 PM #6
I would love to find a chick twice my age.. I mean not for a serious thing but just for kicks.. well maybe a serious thing if she's loaded.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2005-05-11, 11:30 PM #7
That's awesome. Now I'm jealous.
Pissed Off?
2005-05-11, 11:31 PM #8
.. of course, by time I'm 50, she'd be dead of old age. Then I could start dating 20 year old chicks.. omg I love it
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2005-05-12, 1:36 AM #9
lol Rob before you edited your post it said buy a "Kid"
I was gonna put "no thanks, she comes with one already" lol
2005-05-12, 9:47 AM #10
Hahah I see an ad for Mood Swings/Office Flings !!!!
2005-05-12, 10:13 AM #11
eh, and people made fun of my 16 year old girlfriend...


Eh, whatever floats your boat, Mr. Maxwell.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2005-05-12, 11:16 AM #12
Originally posted by Duo Maxwell
lol Rob before you edited your post it said buy a "Kid"
I was gonna put "no thanks, she comes with one already" lol


I made a typo. :P
2005-05-12, 12:08 PM #13
Old ladies are more, uh, active than younger ones, so I hear.

2005-05-12, 12:13 PM #14
Originally posted by Lord Kuat
Old ladies are more, uh, active than younger ones, so I hear.


And they know what they're doing.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2005-05-12, 1:41 PM #15
I had the same thing, only the guy was 25 years older. I still like him a lot, but I opted to just stay quiet and be alone. :(

You should totally get a Stormtropper outfit....and wear it randomly, not just on Halloween.
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2005-05-12, 3:55 PM #16
Let me tell you from personal experience, you get the strangest looks from everyone when you walk around in Stormtrooper armor.... especially at malls and wal-marts....



2005-05-14, 1:43 AM #17
got my kit wewt!
went and bought a Clone Trooper rifle to go with it since its cool and makes noise and is black so I don't have to paint it like the Kenner rifles.

Course I aint tellin my parents till after I get my package and when they object I'll be very convincing...(but MA its my CHILDHOOD DREAM, You can't kill my CHILDHOOD)

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