THRAWN: I know what you mean. There's been many cases of real genius kids, ones that hit college by age 10 and stuff.
And there is this kid down my street, who (not kidding) is 8 years old, and is currently taking algebra in 8th grade. And he is getting A's. He went into school at the age of 4, and has skipped about 5 grades. The kid is awesome at math, and science. His english leaves a little to be desired, but he is keeping up with his 8th grade english classes. They expect him to go to college around age 12. (They say his intelligence is starting to level off some, so he won't be skipping grades in HS)
And the funniest part is, he has some of the worst motor skills of a kid his age. He constantly trips, he has a hell of a time writing legibly and couldn't hit a ball if it was in his hand.