its kind of telling that sidious is 800 years old. and Yoda is ~900. we know that the jedi who instructed yoda were far more powerful in the force than the jedi of the day, and we know that the force itself was stronger back then. yoda is a living witness, to the decline in the force itself. he saw the beginings of the "imbalance in the force", because he was alive when it happened (IF it is indeed caused by palpatine keeping himself alive by misusing the force).
it all seems to fit.
another theory which I had subscribed to (before I read the book)...
the Jedi have been keeping the peace in the galaxy for 10000 years at this point, by using the force to further the "will of society" (right?)
so really .. they don't listen to the "will of the force" anymore.
not like the Jedi Of Old.
they listen to the "will" of the galactic senate (which is corrupt).
Along comes the Sith, who are using the force to further their own ambition.
They don't listen to the will of the force either, NOR the will of society:
they listen to their "own" freewill.
(which is corrupt).
so both sides are taking from the force, without giving very much back.
neither side enacts the 'will of the force' on the physical plane.
so what is the difference really, in terms of "balance"?
I thought it might be an enviromentalist.. thing.
perhaps the force is a metaphor for 'nature', and the Jedi are like the native americans.
(well.. they're supposed to be, anyways)
The native americans lived in balance with nature for thousands of years.
They didn't just "Take" from nature; they cared for it. They nurtured it.
But then society changed around them, and this in turn threw nature out of balance:
and by now, even the native americans have modernized their lifestyle.
(and we have mudslides in BC and wildfires in CA, as nature tries to find a new balance, with no real "caretaker" (so to speak)
as an analogy to nature..
...the force was in balance for ten thousand years.
The Jedi administered the "will of the force",
and they cared for it (like the native americans) and they kept it strong.
And everyone was happy ( @ Bioware hehe)
But now , the Jedi are doing it wrong.
they are not acting as caretakers of a "living" Force (as Qui Gon referred to it);
they are relying too much on their own accumulated 'knowledge/science' instead,
and not enough on the "wisdom" of the living force. itself.
so its become a science to them now; its no longer a true religion.
for a long time now,
the Jedi council have been using the Force to enact the will of the senate.
(and NOT the "will of the force")
(like Obiwan IN EpII):
"We will do exactly as the council has instructed"
so the Force, itself, spawned Anakin.
And anakin is overwhelmed by the need to (both) follow his own 'feelings' AND disobey the will of the council (LOL)
(to follow the will of the force)
eventually he destroys every 'force user' in the galaxy, who is only using the force to enforce their own will.
including palpatine (
and the jedi) and the only one left, at the end, is Luke.
and Luke was given a very unorthodox training, with limited "knowledge"
"already know you that which you need"),
and an emphasis on placing the force above your very self (
"let go your conscious self and act on instinct").
so to Luke,
its really more of a religion, than a science.
he trusts the force, more than he trusts some jedi council. or even his own self.
(he has a certain "faith" in the will of the living force,
which the prequel-era jedi's did not have)
((and this faith leads to immortality
maybe the Jedi are too much into themselves, and so are the Sith.
and neither side is following the will of the force.
and perhaps thats why they (both) needed to be destroyed in order to return the force to balance (?)
the Jedi weren't listening to the will of the force, they were listening to the will of the senate.
and the Sith weren't listening to the will of the force, they were listening to their own will.
so the Living Force, itself, spawned a war to eliminate them ALL (hehe)
so George is saying that our actions of "Using Up" nature..
(ie: indiscriminate cutting down of rainforests and/or heavy use of force-lightning. heh)
..should only be done in balance with nature itself. like the indians did it (like a religion)
we shouldn't just cut down a forest to feed a city OR to feed one man's greed.
(Jedi vs. SITH)
we should respect what nature is telling us and do THAT instead.
(ie: leave the forest alone. don't mess with the natural FIRE-cycle.
or you WILL end up with an infestation of "bark beetles" which will destroy EVERYTHING in its path)
then I read the book. now I think the former theory is probably closer to what George had in mind
-= cheers =-