Actually, there's a secret real estate gold mine that few people ever realize even exists.
I can literally buy a 3BR/1BA house for 10k today and turn around and sell it for 40k tomorrow. Why? Because the house appraises at 50k but the market value is actually more like 55k. Sure, I could wait it out and sale it in about a month or so for 55 or 60k, but I could have made 1 or 2 more sales by then.
Salary vs Saving
Here's how my system works.
I have a checking account set aside specifically for investing.
I have 10k in this account which I buy a house for. I sell it for 40k. I made 30k profit, correct? I take this value and divide it by 2. I put 15k back into the investing account, 5k I put in my personal account for my
monthly salary and I put the other 10k in my savings.
I now have 15k in my investing account to work with and a +10k in my savings/salary account.
Let's say I do that again. Accept this time I buy a 15k house and sell it for 40k (let's say it's in a neighborhood that isn't as good). I made 25k profit, correct? Well, since I've already made one sale and earned my salary, I'll put 20k in my investing account and 5k into my savings/salary account.
Okay, let's say that I don't sell any more houses that month and let's also say (for the sake of example) that even though I turn around and buy a 20k house (or two 10k houses), I don't sell them that month. That's okay. Why? Because I have 15k in my savings/salary account. I have enough in there to pay my salary for 3 months.
Have I saved anything for the long term? No, but this is just an example. Typically I can turn 2-4 houses in a month. As my investment account grows, so does the number of houses I can buy and any one time. I would love to get to the point to where I spend at least 1 hour a day, 20 days a month closing deals. That's 20 houses in one month! Let's say I only make 10k profit off each one. That's still 200k a month. Which is 2.4mil a year!
I'm not greedy. And I'm not interested in having the biggest house, the fastest car, ect. I just want to make enough money by the time I'm 30 to not ever have to worry about having enough money to continue living modestly off of. That goal is easily obtainable and doesn't even require me closing the deal on 20 homes a month (btw, if I ever had the opportunity to buy and sell 20 homes a month, I'd have employees doing it for me while I played video games all day).
[edit]The Errors, THE ERRORS![/edit]