Yeah, I didn't and still don't posess combat boots. I ordered the plastic (expanded PVC, aka "Cintra" or "Sintra") made some tamplates out of posterboard, traced and dremelled them out, did some details with an x-acto knife, and spray painted it Silver.
It took maybe an hour and a half to cut it, maybe 45 minutes to form the pieces, and a few minutes to paint it (with an hour and a half or so between coats that I'm not actually counting. Not really that long though it definitely made me look like I was lacking a life when I showed up in it.
I was going to go with Boba Fett, my real favorite, but believe it or not Boba definitely would have taken more time with fabric, painting the helmet, weathering etc. Maybe in the future when an event comes up where wearing Mandalorian armor is once again acceptable, and where the bearer won't look like the obsessed fanboy that he may or may not be.
(I'll admit I'm not a fair judge, and you guys really don't know)
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....