ok... hmm.. I have this to say...
Hmm.. i don't know how much of this is Spoiler Material, so I'll "spoiler" it all... Read ahead at your own risk...
Bad things about Episode 3:
Well, it definately still had the "stupid" feeling from both episode 1 & 2. Most of the stuff with R2D2 was kinda dumb, particularly his "fight" scenes.... The Yoda/Palp. fight scene was pretty bad... actually, the Emperor is just PLAIN bad in saber battles, he always makes stupid noises, and stupid faces when he's fighting... The Emperor begs for his life at one point (probably just to decieve people, but it never says for sure) Also his make up looks really fake at times. The Vader "NO" scene was pretty stupid (you'll know this scene when you see it). Padme dying of a broken heart was pretty stupid too... Oh yeah, and Jar Jar LIVES!!
Good things about Episode 3:
Anikan isn't NEARLY as whiney in Ep3 as he was in the first two. It had some ships from The Original Trilogy in it, along with some sets. Had quite a bit of the original music in it. Had some VERY good scenes in it, powerful and such. (I couldn't help but crack a smile when Vader gets his suit on) It wraps up a lot of things and flows smoothly into EP 4. The insides of the Star Destroyers at the end were almost identical to those in The Original Trilogy, and they even had nearly the same uniform.
All in all, it was OK... MUCH better than Ep 1&2. The only Major downside were the really fake looking CG things that they did. (you can look past this though, some things in the original trilogy didn't look too great either

I'd say a 6/10
60% still a failing grade... but it was an OK movie..