IN 3D!!! this was inspired by the "cross your eyes" thread...
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To See the pic in 3D : cross your eyes till the 2 pictures that are side by side become 3 pictures... the middle picture is the 3d picture.. (it might help to put ur finger in front of your face, and focus on it.... move it toward and away from your face until u notice that in the back ground, the 2 images have become 3.. slowly pull your finger out of view, and the 3d image (middle image) should come into focus... Also.. take into concideration the "pitch of your head, side to side... you might have to til your head a little to line it up properly.
To Take a 3d image of YOUR desk : Take a picture using your right eye in the view finder, then without moving your head, move the camera and look through the view finder with your left eye... put the pics side by side and bingo.. 3d pic.
[EDIT] Note: the further away from the screen you are, the easier it is to see (you don't have to cross your eyes as far..)
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To See the pic in 3D : cross your eyes till the 2 pictures that are side by side become 3 pictures... the middle picture is the 3d picture.. (it might help to put ur finger in front of your face, and focus on it.... move it toward and away from your face until u notice that in the back ground, the 2 images have become 3.. slowly pull your finger out of view, and the 3d image (middle image) should come into focus... Also.. take into concideration the "pitch of your head, side to side... you might have to til your head a little to line it up properly.
To Take a 3d image of YOUR desk : Take a picture using your right eye in the view finder, then without moving your head, move the camera and look through the view finder with your left eye... put the pics side by side and bingo.. 3d pic.
[EDIT] Note: the further away from the screen you are, the easier it is to see (you don't have to cross your eyes as far..)