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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Final Fantasy VII PS3 tech demo (video)
Final Fantasy VII PS3 tech demo (video)
2005-05-17, 5:46 PM #1
FFVII tech demo
Too bad there's no remake...
2005-05-17, 5:50 PM #2
Yeah just saw that about an hour ago. ****ing sweet.

And :( about the no-remake too. I had my hopes up when I saw the headline on IGN. :(
2005-05-17, 6:05 PM #3
If they made an ff7 remake... I'd buy PS3 just to play it..
2005-05-17, 6:44 PM #4
I personally think they should do a remake of all 7-9, and a brand new Tactics.

That would be the greatest thing on the planet.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-05-17, 6:45 PM #5
i thought there was going to be a FF7 remake for PSP...?
"*quickly adds in disclaimer that Is may still yet end up being slapped with a white glove, as all women are crazy and there are no rules*" --mavispoo
2005-05-17, 6:51 PM #6
Originally posted by Is_907
i thought there was going to be a FF7 remake for PSP...?

I think you are confused. The FF7 thing for PSP is FF7: Advent Children. It is a sequel, but in movie format.
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2005-05-17, 7:07 PM #7
I'm still really pissed that we aren't getting the 7-9 remix we were promised. I remember reading it in more than one source. Grrr.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-05-17, 7:11 PM #8
well, i knew AC was being released on PSP but i had just heard somewhere that there was a remake of 7 for PSP coming before AC... maybe whoever told me was confused, heh ;)
"*quickly adds in disclaimer that Is may still yet end up being slapped with a white glove, as all women are crazy and there are no rules*" --mavispoo
2005-05-17, 7:14 PM #9
You'll never get your precious FF7 remake! NEVER!!!!!


Sadly, I'll never get my Starcraft 2. Curse you lord of videogames... CURRRSEEE YOUU!!!!!
2005-05-17, 7:19 PM #10
Originally posted by Is_907
well, i knew AC was being released on PSP but i had just heard somewhere that there was a remake of 7 for PSP coming before AC... maybe whoever told me was confused, heh ;)
E3 2005 Eyes-On: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
We get of taste of Square Enix's first PSP offering.
by Jason Allen

May 16, 2005 - Although Square wasn't ready to show any gameplay footage of their eagerly-anticipated PSP game, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, they did give us a hint of what to expect as part of its E3 conference on Monday morning. The game belongs to what Square Enix is referring to as The Compilation of Final Fantasy VII. This includes Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII for mobile, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children for DVD and Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus for PS2. With what looked to be the same animation style used in the Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII promotions, the guest of Square's E3 2005 press conference were give a rough idea of what approach is being taken to this PSP adventure.

Judging by shear screen time, the key character for Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII seems to be Zack, Cloud's buddy from his days with SOLDIER. In fact, the story seems to take place during that particular time period, pitting both Cloud and Zack against fledgling evil maniac Sephiroth. Tons of sword fighting ensues of course, with Cloud getting smacked around a bit by his old superior. But Zack is no slouch, and he takes on hordes of baddies despite overwhelming odds.

The animation style used in the trailer was the stark animated style used in the Before Crisis trailers. It is unknown how much the final PSP game would be influenced by this stylistic concept -- Before Crisis used a lot of cartoon visuals in its promotions, but the actual game graphics were semi-realistic like other FF titles.

There was no gameplay to see of what the game might look like, but based on the animation, it looks like this will act as a prequel to Final Fantasy VII just like Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII.

Stay tuned for details. There likely won't be more to learn from the E3 show floor on Crisis Core: FFVII, but there's tons more to find out about other PSP and Square games in the meantime.
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-05-17, 7:22 PM #11
Final Fantasy XI for Xbox 360, rumors of FFXI for PS3, rumors of new expansion packs and/or graphical updates. Final Fantasy VII tech demo. Final Fantasy VII for the PSP.

"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2005-05-17, 7:23 PM #12
I just want them to finish FF12, and quickly.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-05-18, 8:57 AM #13
FF12 is still going to be for ps2 right?
"The only crime I'm guilty of is love [of china]"
- Ruthven
me clan me mod
2005-05-18, 9:39 AM #14
TY now i gonna go and play FFVII when i should be working, you've just ruined my life
2005-05-18, 6:48 PM #15
Originally posted by tinny
FF12 is still going to be for ps2 right?

Yes, it sure is taking a long time...

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