I'm a bit pissed at paypal. I sold an item on ebay, shipped it, but it was lost in shipping. I always offer shipping insurance on items, but the buyer did not purchase it. Not my fault, right? He's taking his own risk.
So I file a search thing with the USPS, and tell them to send it to the guy when/if they find it. I tell the buyer this. Oh well. Negative feedback, plus he files a claim with Paypal, even though I had tracking on the package as proof it was shipped. The item is still registered in the USPS's database where it was last tracked (Hazelwood, MO, not even the same state as me.)
So despite all that, what does Paypal do? They decide in favor of the buyer.
So I emailed them inquiring why they don't offer protection under these circumstances (even though ebay does not offer protection when insurance isn't purchased), and am waiting a response.
So I file a search thing with the USPS, and tell them to send it to the guy when/if they find it. I tell the buyer this. Oh well. Negative feedback, plus he files a claim with Paypal, even though I had tracking on the package as proof it was shipped. The item is still registered in the USPS's database where it was last tracked (Hazelwood, MO, not even the same state as me.)
So despite all that, what does Paypal do? They decide in favor of the buyer.

So I emailed them inquiring why they don't offer protection under these circumstances (even though ebay does not offer protection when insurance isn't purchased), and am waiting a response.