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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Should Episodes 7,8 and 9 be made?
Should Episodes 7,8 and 9 be made?
2005-05-22, 3:56 PM #1
Its all hypothetical at this point, but I think they should be.
2005-05-22, 4:03 PM #2
Absolutely not. Star Wars is supposed to be the saga of Anakin Skywalker, and making movies after he's dead would be kind of pointless I think.
A desperate disease requires a dangerous remedy.

A major source of objection to a free economy is precisely that it gives people what they want instead of what a particular group thinks they ought to want. Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself.

2005-05-22, 4:07 PM #3
Originally posted by Sine Nomen
Absolutely not. Star Wars is supposed to be the saga of Anakin Skywalker, and making movies after he's dead would be kind of pointless I think.


I have no objection to other movies that take place in the same universe being created. But just no Ep 7-9.
2005-05-22, 4:21 PM #4
no, it would repeat what happend with ep 1-3:(
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
2005-05-22, 4:57 PM #5
only if it follows the Thrawn Trilogy perfect
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2005-05-22, 5:04 PM #6
1. No.
2. Why does it have to be a trilogy? Why couldn't he just make one more to wrap things up nicely and leave it at a nice round 7?
2005-05-22, 5:21 PM #7
Originally posted by Sine Nomen
Absolutely not. Star Wars is supposed to be the saga of Anakin Skywalker, and making movies after he's dead would be kind of pointless I think.
Skateboarding is not a crime.
2005-05-22, 5:28 PM #8
1) George Lucas originally wrote enough framework for 9 episodes. He took the middle chunk and made 4-6 out of it. Then he went back to the first chunk.
2) Lucas made RotJ end differently than his original story... so continuation along his original 7-9 is impossible (in particular, the emperor originally escapes the 2nd death star or something).
3) Star Wars is a story of many things. It is a story of the Republic/Empire struggle for control/freedom. It is a story of the legacy of the Jedi, their decline and return, their fight against the Sith, etc. It is a story of both father/son Skywalkers.

Some facts, some of my tainted opinions. Particularly the last one.

2005-05-22, 5:30 PM #9
I still see it as the Rise/Fall of the Empire, which just so happened to run parallel to Skywalker. With him or not, the Empire still would have occured, and if Palp was not sure that Anakin could be turned, he would have been easy to wipe out. Even though the Anakin-centrism was proposed by Lucas himself, the triology is a whole lot more than him.

In retrospect, that may also be the reason for the lack of a Han Solo character. For a simple smuggler, you could argue he stole the spotlight as the character most endearing to fans. That was why there was no such character in the prequel to steal the thunder from Whiny Whinosovitch.
2005-05-22, 5:52 PM #10
If it's the zahn-thrawn trilogy (which I barely remember now having been nearly 4 years, but it still leaves a good feeling with me), maybe. Otherwise, absolutely not
2005-05-22, 6:25 PM #11
No, I don't want the original actors to be replace: Harrison Ford is Han Solo, Mark Hamill is Luke, etc.
2005-05-22, 6:26 PM #12
Yeah but knowing lucas he'd say. "No he is too old. Too old to begin the filming" and then just to "please" everyone he'd recreate the young Harrison Ford and Mark Hammil in CG.
2005-05-22, 6:31 PM #13
Originally posted by TheJkWhoSaysNi
he'd recreate the young Harrison Ford and Mark Hammil in CG.

oh god no. Lucas has displaced enough of the EU as it is w/o even making anything set after ROTJ.

What would be good would be something like KOTOR, set a long time before the prequels and involving a completely unrelated storyline to the other movies and all new characters. (maybe something about the great sith war)
2005-05-22, 6:46 PM #14
Despite what some people think, Star Wars is definitely about Anakin Skywalker, his tragic fall (which parallels the standard plot of Classical Greek tragedy), and his redemption by his son. Everything surrounding that is just extra, because GL can have more than three characters on the stage at a time.
2005-05-22, 7:55 PM #15
Get the guy and woman from the Jedi Knight live action scenes and make a trilogy based around Kyle and Jan. :D
"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"
2005-05-22, 8:56 PM #16
What if.. What if we're wrong? What if both the Emperor and Darth Vader DID escape the Death Star alive?

Maybe the body Luke brought back was a fake. And maybe the Emperor used Force Teleport to save himself...

It could happen.
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2005-05-22, 9:04 PM #17
Originally posted by happydud

And maybe the Emperor used Force Teleport to save himself...

Nah, Palpy screamed "IDDQD" when he was falling in the shaft. :P
2005-05-22, 9:13 PM #18
I just think its sad knowing that its all over...Did anyone else feel a sadness once we heard the music and saw "Directed by George Lucas"
2005-05-22, 9:22 PM #19
Originally posted by Sine Nomen
Absolutely not. Star Wars is supposed to be the saga of Anakin Skywalker, and making movies after he's dead would be kind of pointless I think.

Says who? You?

Maybe it's about Obi-Wan. He's in every episode too.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-05-22, 9:44 PM #20
Originally posted by happydud
What if.. What if we're wrong? What if both the Emperor and Darth Vader DID escape the Death Star alive?

Maybe the body Luke brought back was a fake. And maybe the Emperor used Force Teleport to save himself...

It could happen.

Please don't give George ideas.
On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."
2005-05-23, 1:26 AM #21
I agree with those who think it ends here. I would have nothing against more movies in the SW universe, however. But not hypothetical episodes 7-9. There's no need for them, at all. Good stories can be easily ruined if you don't know when to stop, and the original SW had a very beautiful end.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2005-05-23, 2:30 AM #22
Originally posted by Freelancer
Says who? You?

Maybe it's about Obi-Wan. He's in every episode too.

... says lucas. in a number of interviews and such he says that star wars is the story of anakin skywalker. not the empire, not his son, not obi-wan, not r2.

sorry, but you fail
2005-05-23, 3:51 AM #23
Since when does anyone care what George thinks? Writers are supposed to create a world and characters that the viewer/reader makes "theirs". To me, Star Wars is not about Anakin or whatever, but a gigantic struggle for peace. One that does not end with Episode VI.

Of course, I'm not sure I'd like to see what Lucas would do with 789.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2005-05-23, 3:57 AM #24
Originally posted by Freelancer
Says who? You?

Maybe it's about Obi-Wan. He's in every episode too.

...George Lucas, you know, the guy who wrote the thing
A desperate disease requires a dangerous remedy.

A major source of objection to a free economy is precisely that it gives people what they want instead of what a particular group thinks they ought to want. Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself.

2005-05-23, 4:41 AM #25
Originally posted by happydud
What if.. What if we're wrong? What if both the Emperor and Darth Vader DID escape the Death Star alive?

Maybe the body Luke brought back was a fake. And maybe the Emperor used Force Teleport to save himself...

It could happen.

The EU has the emperor living because he supposedly had a clone made of himself before he died.
2005-05-23, 5:34 AM #26
I think happyduds way is better :o

I think he should use the force to stop himself falling and land on one of the catwalks. Then escape. More sensible than the cloning thing, imo.
2005-05-23, 5:58 AM #27
Originally posted by Sine Nomen
Absolutely not. Star Wars is supposed to be the saga of Anakin Skywalker, and making movies after he's dead would be kind of pointless I think.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-05-23, 6:43 AM #28
Originally posted by Jedigreedo
Get the guy and woman from the Jedi Knight live action scenes and make a trilogy based around Kyle and Jan. :D

I saw the guy who played Kyle in a car commercial once. :D

2005-05-23, 7:34 AM #29
Originally posted by The_Mega_ZZTer
1) George Lucas originally wrote enough framework for 9 episodes. He took the middle chunk and made 4-6 out of it. Then he went back to the first chunk.
2) Lucas made RotJ end differently than his original story... so continuation along his original 7-9 is impossible (in particular, the emperor originally escapes the 2nd death star or something).

how do you know
2005-05-23, 9:38 AM #30
i'm all game for more movies, they're decent entertainment, it'lle at up some of my time, its no skin off your nose if they get made, why complain?

Its something new to see, could be good.
2005-05-23, 9:55 AM #31
if 7-9 were to be made the only hope for them not sucking... would be if GL's only involvement was signing some checks
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2005-05-23, 10:54 AM #32
Actually, Lucas originally planned 12 episodes...
2005-05-23, 11:56 AM #33
I actually would like to see them get made but along time from now. Not like in 3 years but like in 10 yeas when people forget about it :p

I think it would be interesting to see a new Jedi Councel with Luke, Mara Jade, Leia, Kyle, Horn ect.
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2005-05-23, 12:55 PM #34
The only way EP7-9 could be made is if they take place when all the characters actually ARE old. And if doesn't follow the EU exactly (well, okay they can leave out the bad books) then I don't want it. I don't want Lucas raping my childhood AGAIN.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.

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