Hehe, gmail owns all.
I don't like the company behind AIM or Yahoo.
AOL is like a virus that basicly
's up your computer and gives you a poor internet connection. One time I used AOL "broadband" because cable wasn't in my area, lets just say that anything you've heard about AOL is actually far worse, as I got to enjoy a latency of I believe "9999" in every game I played. Then, when I uninstalled that
'ed my system to where I had to reformat the drive (delete everything, including Windows) and start from scratch.
I never really had a problem with Yahoo other than script kiddies until recently, when the corporation filed a frivolous lawsuit against the honorable XFire staff claiming that it infringed on a bull
patent that claims Yahoo owns the concept of instant messaging people while they are in a game. This isn't the first time that Yahoo has tried to sue a smaller company out of business for it's own personal gain, so they can eat
Really, I am pleased with google, they offer just about everything, probably some day WILL have everything, but they don't have any lame flashing images in their ads (which go straight to the block list).
Sorry for my over-use of the
emote, I hope I don't get
for it.

If I put more thought into it, I probably wouldn't have used it at all as it's animated and will really annoy the reader, but I am lazy, so too late now.