I just watched Primer last night, and this is possibly one of the deepest movies I've ever seen. For those that don't know about it, It's a low- budget ($7000) Indie film that won the Sundance Film Awards. It's story involves two men who, trying to create one machine in their run-from -the-garage business accidentally create a machine that bends time. The storyline is uniquelly(sp?) and challangingly(sp? I'm starting to spell like elena) non-linear, engaging and always changing. It blends human nature in with a mind bending storyline and paradoxes in time travel. Like I said, when you watch it, you have to ditch your linear storyline mindset and keep observing and recalling what happens to understand what's happening. This is a very stimulating movie. It's very deep and well shot, especially for its low budget. So, has anyone seen it? Discuss.
And I haven't been here in a while. How is everyone? Who's left since I was here last, and who's been banned?
We still have this creepy little guy? ------>:em321:
And I haven't been here in a while. How is everyone? Who's left since I was here last, and who's been banned?
We still have this creepy little guy? ------>:em321:
"I'm interested in the fact that the less secure a person is, the more likely it is for that person to have extreme prejudices." -Clint Eastwood