Hey Guys,
I've just finished programming for my upcoming website, and I need some people to test the code for me.
Basically, it's a showcase system for editors and modders, it has functions to post screenshots, post .plan's (editing blogs) and post wanted ads for positions like coders, etc. available in your team. On top of that it has a project system which enables you to link together all your plans, ads and screenshots under one project, and has an integrated system for sorting all the information by game. Think JKHub but on a larger scale encompassing all games and editing as a whole.
If anyone's bored and wants to test such a system, all you have to do is go to the forums ( http://forums.gamese.cx ) and get yourself a forum account.. then activate that forum account with the Editor's Hub ( http://editing.gamese.cx/?function=signup ) and start posting away! Post anything, it's just in the testing phase so it doesn't have to be related to editing.
If you find any bugs or errors, you can report them on this thread or the thread on the gamese.cx forums ( http://forums.gamese.cx/index.php?showtopic=54 ). Just copy the error message and let me know what you were doing to cause the error.
Thanks in advance to anyone who helps me out with this, I've been coding this on and off since 2003 and I'm very glad I've finally got it done. OH and i'd like to thank Brad and Brian for all the PHP help they've dispensed to me in all that time
I've just finished programming for my upcoming website, and I need some people to test the code for me.
Basically, it's a showcase system for editors and modders, it has functions to post screenshots, post .plan's (editing blogs) and post wanted ads for positions like coders, etc. available in your team. On top of that it has a project system which enables you to link together all your plans, ads and screenshots under one project, and has an integrated system for sorting all the information by game. Think JKHub but on a larger scale encompassing all games and editing as a whole.
If anyone's bored and wants to test such a system, all you have to do is go to the forums ( http://forums.gamese.cx ) and get yourself a forum account.. then activate that forum account with the Editor's Hub ( http://editing.gamese.cx/?function=signup ) and start posting away! Post anything, it's just in the testing phase so it doesn't have to be related to editing.
If you find any bugs or errors, you can report them on this thread or the thread on the gamese.cx forums ( http://forums.gamese.cx/index.php?showtopic=54 ). Just copy the error message and let me know what you were doing to cause the error.
Thanks in advance to anyone who helps me out with this, I've been coding this on and off since 2003 and I'm very glad I've finally got it done. OH and i'd like to thank Brad and Brian for all the PHP help they've dispensed to me in all that time