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This is the static archive of the Massassi Forums. The forums are closed indefinitely. Thanks for all the memories!

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ForumsDiscussion Forum → For those who want to play Jedi Knight
For those who want to play Jedi Knight
2005-06-01, 1:33 AM #1
I think it'd be awesome to have a forum dedicated to listing ip's of currently going Jedi Knight games.
2005-06-01, 1:46 AM #2
The chat is easier for that sort of thing, though it would be useful for organising games in advance (to take account of differences in time zone etc)., #massassi, #nar.
2005-06-01, 3:55 AM #3
Just use the chat.

A forum wouldn't work well for obvious reasons. And people don't want to post their IP online over and over.
2005-06-01, 4:01 AM #4
I agree with ragna here...............cuz i cant get in-game.
My Main Objective------ Is to make Jk Real......No i mean Really Real.
2005-06-01, 8:19 AM #5
The chat is an easier way to do this, but if people want to advertise games on the forums, they are free to make posts in the discussion forum. Just because we dont have a specific forum for something doesnt mean you cant do it in the discussion forum.
2005-06-01, 8:57 AM #6
Yes yes yes I had a forum for this on my own site dedicated to this on my own site but I didn't have many people coming so maybe I'll recreate it, dunno.

Tis good with QTracker or ReconDroid, and most people have IP's that don't change very often.


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