I just quit Galaxies kinda. Or at least, not going to play much anymore. Reason why? Every single place I go, every city, there is a Jedai. Not Jedi, Jedai. Jedai is someone running around shouting "OMG I NEED SABRES IV!!111111111111111 PST!!!!!!11oneoneoen" Jedi are people who are like Ben, Yoda, and Luke.
If you go to Theed, granted there are 6-7 people that are dueling because they are a Jedai.
If you don't mind that, ther'es another problem:
Galaxies and SOE just came out with a "Combat Upgrade" which I like very well, but also came out with "Rage of the Wookies" expansion. Problem? Way, way too many bugs. And very few content (not very good quest, too easy, etc.)
If you don't mind the popularity of the Jedai, and the bugs, get it. Why do I care so much about Jedai?
1.) Ruins the storyline of SWG. SWG takes place in the years between episodes IV and V (A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back). There are NO Jedi that are going to spaceports saying "OMG you just killed my guildie, die you idiot" and use Force Choke on them in those between years. I think it would support the storyline very well if all the Jedi were in hiding, because of the Jedi Temple's destruction and few survivles of the Jedi (such as in episode III), but now Jedai roam around too much.
2.) Jedi have NO weakness at all. Even if you're Padawan, it takes a very good and experianced Bounty Hunter to kill a Jedi. And when you're a Master/Overlord, nothing can kill you except other Jedi. I don't know about you, but I like games that have penalties for certain classes, even though it won't fit the Star Wars world very well.
By the way, despite the commercial, you can not talk to Yoda.
The good things about the game? I love the graphics very very well. Very realistic. I especially love Dantooine, Rori, Theed, and Endor. Here's a few screenshots
Don't ask me why '3PO is green. It's a graphics problem with this computer I think.
Also, the Galactic Civil War PVP is done very nicely, I think. If only the battlefields work. But there's a problem with that too: Statistics at SOE are showing that there are more rebels than imperials (player wise) on every server. Should be the other way around
but eh, I'm a Reb too, I can't complain.
I also like the professions instead of classes idea. Basically, you can respec, (that is if you get tired of being something, you can do something else with that character without having to delete) to another profession. Like say you were a Bounty Hunter, but wanted to be a Smuggler, you can drop Bounty Hunter and start working on Smuggler.
Problem with that? Certain professions are almost extinct -- Image Designers, Tailors, etc., and certain professions are too populated -- Bounty Hunters, Smugglers, Jedi, Doctors, etc. But this isn't too much of a problem either.
THERE YOU GO. My opinions on Galaxies.