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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Things you didn't/might not have known about Apple products..
Things you didn't/might not have known about Apple products..
2005-06-03, 12:23 PM #1
After working for Apple, i've gotten a fair knowledge of the fallbacks to their products... Here's a few that I'm sure you'd like to know about..

1. Agents recommend Apple users to actually burn and save their data to a CD at least once a day or every two days..Why? Because random data loss is a problem on Mac's that they do not like to disclose to the public.

2. You can shut your computer down at night, and then in the morning after experiencing no storm systems, electrical discharges whatsoever, your computer will no longer turn on and you have to get it fixed/replaced (replacement is something Apple rarely does)

3. If you buy a computer and there are distorted pixels on its display monitor, Apple actually has a chart describing what is acceptable and what is not... Basically, if your computer has distorted pixels on the monitor, yet you can still see what you're doing, it's ok, no matter how bad the distortion is.

4. If you've got a computer sitting on your desk, and without human contact or any accidental reasons it somehow falls aand breaks, according to Apple, you're basically SOL. The only way you can get aroudn this policy is if it arrives broken, or you can get a nice agent who will pull some strings and send you out the replacement part... Which they will get in crap for later (trust me, I've done it lots of times). IF not, you're told to take it in for repair, which even if you have the Applecare Protection Plan, you are still charged for the repairs because under Apple's careful policy, you're the one at fault.

5. Power Mac G5's have a very bad bug that Apple has been unable to fix since its launch. THe bug being the fan. On a lot of these computer's, the fan spins uncontrollably loud to the point whereit actually sounds like a jet engine taking off.

6. iMac's and Power Mac's both have problems catching fire (electrically) inside for no apparent reason. I've witnessed that one happen first-hand.

7. As stable as the Mac OS X and OS's in general are, and how invulnerable they are to viruses (due to the lack of viruses for mac's only), errors can occur at any time for no reason. We are actually told this in training. Which is why we are told to tell people to back up their data every day or every other day.

8. When you're talking to an agent on the phone describing your problem, 9 times out of 10, they aren't listening. Why? Because they don't need to. They get the gist of your problem, and then use a huge knowledge base internal search engine that looks up your problem. Because every single one is in there. It's like google.

9 . The biggest thing to me... is that APple products are never guaranteed to work with an Apple computer. Perfect example, RAM.

If you buy a comptuer from Apple, and then tell the agent/store that you bought it from that you want extra apple certified ram in the computer, they'll put it in without telling you a few bits of information...Being

1. The RAM you just put into your computer might cause various problems on the computer. Kernel Panics, loss of data, computer not powering on, etc.

2. THe first thing an agent is told to do once they are informed by the customer that they have additional RAM in the comptuer, apple certified or not, is take it out. They don't help you with the computer at its original configuration, and they use that as a determining troubleshooting step.

Based off the ammount of calls on RAM issues like I listed above that I've had, I'd have to say that Apple RAM works with an Apple computer only half the time.
2005-06-03, 12:31 PM #2
Source of information? (wait, nevermind)
2005-06-03, 12:34 PM #3
Ah, I see. I don't use Macs anyway though... but still got something from the past in the closet.

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-06-03, 1:33 PM #4
I can vouch for #5. I've heard G5 fans all of a sudden get really noisy. And when about four of them do it simultaneously, it really is like a jet engine.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2005-06-03, 1:35 PM #5
we have G5s in our computer labs... they dont get noisy :\
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2005-06-03, 1:57 PM #6
5. Power Mac G5's have a very bad bug that Apple has been unable to fix since its launch. THe bug being the fan. On a lot of these computer's, the fan spins uncontrollably loud to the point whereit actually sounds like a jet engine taking off.

That kicks butt! I want a computer that can do that. It would impress all my friends.

"Look at my new G5, guys. Its so powerful, they actually needed to put a Jet-class fan in it."
"You are making this up."
"Am I?" *turns on computer*
*Friends skin is blown off by the sheer force of the soundwave resulting from the fans. They are now just skeletons.*
"Heh, told you."
In Pride,
I had a disclaimer here, but the man said it was too long.
2005-06-03, 3:01 PM #7
Funny, absolultly none of those things has happened on my PowerBook G4, iBook G4, or all the PowerMac G4/G5's that I've worked on. I guess I'm a lucky one who has a kickass laptop that works.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2005-06-03, 3:53 PM #8
This is just silly... I'm not even a big Mac user and this is just silly.

1. Uhh, this can happen on any system. It's called hard drive failure...

2. Once again, can happen anywhere. It's called a bad power supply...

3. All companies have condition for replacing monitors, especially LCDs and dead-pixel requirements.

4. Lots of PC manufacturers have crappy warranty conditions...

5. Ok... Hardly sounds like something very serious...

6. Any computer can potentially catch fire. I've seen it happen a few times with PCs.

7. This can happen in Mac OS, Windows, Linux, BSD, just about anything...

8. All tech support call-centers are like this.

9. Do you expect all PC products to work for every PC configuration?

1. Bad RAM happens everywhere. I've gotten tons of DOA RAM from orders.

2. That's an obvious measure to take.
2005-06-03, 4:08 PM #9
I am pretty set that I'm actually going to purchase a mac computer for video editing this summer, or maybe next summer. I plan to invest 2000 dollars into it. That's right, Mr. Windows is getting a mac. Not to mention, I'm spending more on it than I am for my gaming machine. Someone hold me.

And that pisses me off. I simply couldn't call around, order the parts, and build the same 2000 dollar machine for 1000. Instead I have to buy it directly from apple to be sure it'll work. SOBs.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-06-03, 4:28 PM #10
The fan thing happens on occassion... as in once a week the fans will get somewhat loud for about 3 seconds, but its usually when you do something that puts the computer under a lot of stress.

The rest is bull****.. except for the tech support, but come on.. all tech support is like that.
former entrepreneur
2005-06-03, 5:46 PM #11
Dudes, the guy has worked for Apple. I think he'd know better than you what's bull****.

2005-06-03, 6:09 PM #12
Unless he is of course full of **** or exaggerating, neither of which I would rule out any time soon.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-06-03, 7:35 PM #13
Originally posted by Dj Yoshi
Dudes, the guy has worked for Apple. I think he'd know better than you what's bull****.


I've owned and used Apple products for 7 years. I am currently using a G5 right now. I have not once had any type of 'random memory loss' issue. I've installed RAM in all of my Apple computers at one point or another, and i've never had any difficulty installing hardware.
former entrepreneur
2005-06-03, 7:40 PM #14
Originally posted by jEDIkIRBY
I am pretty set that I'm actually going to purchase a mac computer for video editing this summer, or maybe next summer. I plan to invest 2000 dollars into it. That's right, Mr. Windows is getting a mac. Not to mention, I'm spending more on it than I am for my gaming machine. Someone hold me.

And that pisses me off. I simply couldn't call around, order the parts, and build the same 2000 dollar machine for 1000. Instead I have to buy it directly from apple to be sure it'll work. SOBs.


Or maybe a commercial mac emulator for your Windows PC? :p I recall that they exist. Might even be a free one or two. You'd still have to buy MacOS tho. Only problem is that, of course, unless you have an uber computer the emulation might run slowly. :(

2005-06-03, 9:41 PM #15
Belive me or don't. That's quite ok. I was the one that handled all of these calls daily for 9 hours a day. I'm not against apple, they do have good products, and their OS is great. All I was pointing out were some major flaws in their products/policies they don't disclose to the public and the loopholes they take advantage of, to take advantage of the consumer in some cases.
2005-06-03, 9:46 PM #16
And other companies DON'T?

I fail to see the surprise here. You'd have to REALLY be an idiot to think a major company ISN'T trying to take advantage of you in one form or another.

I LOVE Apple and I know this.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2005-06-03, 10:00 PM #17

2005-06-03, 10:00 PM #18
Level 1 techs, hehe
2005-06-03, 11:16 PM #19
Ok. Perhaps your G5 or Powerbook G4 may have averted hardware malfunction. That's good. And I'm sure many Powerbooks and G5s have averted hardware failure. But, Temperamental here is pointing out some of the more common symptoms/problems with Apple machines. Just because your machine is flawless that doesn't mean ALL machines are flawless. He's letting us know for potential Apple consumers (me) of some of the defects in products.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2005-06-04, 12:36 AM #20
Originally posted by JediGandalf
Ok. Perhaps your G5 or Powerbook G4 may have averted hardware malfunction. That's good. And I'm sure many Powerbooks and G5s have averted hardware failure. But, Temperamental here is pointing out some of the more common symptoms/problems with Apple machines. Just because your machine is flawless that doesn't mean ALL machines are flawless. He's letting us know for potential Apple consumers (me) of some of the defects in products.

Which is the way it is with a LOT of things. Which is why I pointed out that you'd be foolish to think for a second that you're going to be buying a product that will NEVER break or malfunction.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2005-06-04, 8:16 AM #21
Originally posted by phoenix_9286
Which is the way it is with a LOT of things. Which is why I pointed out that you'd be foolish to think for a second that you're going to be buying a product that will NEVER break or malfunction.

Oh god, he's just dispelling the rumors that Apple is perfect. I swear, Ian, you're such a fanboy.
2005-06-04, 8:31 AM #22
And we thought windows was bad??????????? Seriously, i was going to buy a MAC, but I've changed my mind now. Thank you.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2005-06-04, 6:52 PM #23
Originally posted by Dj Yoshi
Oh god, he's just dispelling the rumors that Apple is perfect. I swear, Ian, you're such a fanboy.

Please, inform me how I'm a fanboy for saying that this is NOTHING new to ANY product in the world? Things break. It's a fact of life. To believe that ANY product is FLAWLESS is downright moronic.

Now I can understand him wanting to point out some of the bad things, but if ANY of you ever believed things Apple made were perfect in any sense of the word you're an idiot. That's HARDLY being a fanboy. If I was being a fanboy, I'd be saying this was all horse**** and voiceing the oppiste side of what I'm saying now.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2005-06-04, 6:56 PM #24
Originally posted by Temperamental
4. If you've got a computer sitting on your desk, and without human contact or any accidental reasons it somehow falls aand breaks, according to Apple, you're basically SOL.

I'm fairly certain this it true for just about any computer company.
2005-06-04, 7:14 PM #25
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01
And we thought windows was bad??????????? Seriously, i was going to buy a MAC, but I've changed my mind now. Thank you.

Then you must be the most impressionable person.
2005-06-04, 7:58 PM #26
Tempermental may be right, but as long as my iBook keeps working the way it has, I'm content. I think I've permanently switched off of Windows, I love OS X. - As Featured in Guitar Hero II!
2005-06-04, 7:59 PM #27
Originally posted by DSettahr
I'm fairly certain this it true for just about any computer company.

You would be surprised on just how little people know/understand this fact.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2005-06-04, 9:04 PM #28
Yeah really..

None of these are things that aren't as bad or worse for other companies.
2005-06-05, 3:55 AM #29
macs are beautiful and that's all that matters :D
2005-06-05, 10:46 AM #30
Originally posted by phoenix_9286
Please, inform me how I'm a fanboy for saying that this is NOTHING new to ANY product in the world? Things break. It's a fact of life. To believe that ANY product is FLAWLESS is downright moronic.

Now I can understand him wanting to point out some of the bad things, but if ANY of you ever believed things Apple made were perfect in any sense of the word you're an idiot. That's HARDLY being a fanboy. If I was being a fanboy, I'd be saying this was all horse**** and voiceing the oppiste side of what I'm saying now.

Because there's a lot of people who think that Apple is so flawless and perfect and that they can do no wrong.

He's just telling people that they're not so perfect. Yeah, sure there's problems with every computer company...why do you think the majority of massassi stays away from prefabs?
2005-06-05, 10:55 AM #31
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01
And we thought windows was bad??????????? Seriously, i was going to buy a MAC, but I've changed my mind now. Thank you.

Um, I'm sure it would be just as easy to come up with a similar list for Microsoft. This is how large corporations work. They want your money.
2005-06-05, 11:33 AM #32
You're ignoring my point for a couple... APple's products don't even work with other APple product's.. I don't know ONE single tech support that I've worked for/called in to and had the policies that APple does, nor have I ever heard of RAM manufactured for a PC possibly causing actual damage.. If anything, the RAM just isn't recognized.. But on a MAC, it can result in random data loss, random programs unexpectedly quitting, peripherals not working, etc. I've never even heard about that on a PC.
2005-06-05, 11:49 AM #33
Let's see...


Nope. Safe. :p
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-06-05, 11:54 AM #34
iPod's are actually good. Only thing is, they work like RAM.. They're not guaranteed to work with your Mac.

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