Originally posted by Rob
I've met the guys from Kill Hannah a bunch...... they aren't famous.
I've met the guys from Kill Hannah a bunch...... they aren't famous.
defeating the purpose of the thread.....
I have seen the president's brigade stop my car and wait as he passed through in his 'convoy' He was waving to people and I saw his face clear as day through the probaly 3 inches of bullet glass.
When I was 4 on a plane from germany I wandered around teh 1st class since it was pretty empty and my mom was watching me (I was only in the Eisle) and my mom saw some guy talking to me and she walked over there and sat in the row of seats across from him, then he picked me up and talked to her and my mom had no clue it was Eddy VanHalen at first so the convo was normal between her and him (him being a complete stranger), but then she figured out it was him and he kidna realized she wasn't talking to him like a 'real' person anymore so the convo slowly faded and she took me back to my seat.