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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Good GOD I LOVE summer weather..
Good GOD I LOVE summer weather..
2005-06-07, 11:00 AM #1
It's been gorgeous here all friggin the last 2 weeks.. Even the days when it rains (Only been like 2 in 14 days) are beautiful.. I can't stand the winter weather, but I love the damn summer. Just sitting inside and looking outside and seein it sunny makes me happy for some reason.. I love the heat.

Figures, I'm also one of those people more susceptible to the heat, meaning I get heat stroke/headaches/migranes extremely easy in the heat.. That's why I can't work outside, I'll literally die eventually. It sucks, but I sure as hell love the heat, even if it could kill me :)

Who's with me?

2005-06-07, 11:05 AM #2
I like Fall.
2005-06-07, 11:05 AM #3
It is my experience that anyone who does not like winter does not ski. I personally enjoy both winter and summer for the different activities they both provide. :)
2005-06-07, 11:19 AM #4
It's been bad here. Hot and humid in the day, then lightning and rain at nights.

Oh well
2005-06-07, 11:23 AM #5
It's not been humid at all..

I've skii'd before, I like it, I just can't STAND the cold one single bit. Winter is beautiful, for the first few hours, then it gets boring and annoying, fast.

I find one of the best refreshing feelings is being outside on a really hot day, getting totally hot, and then walking into a house with central air conditioning..Feeling that blast of cold air is absolutely orgasmic.
2005-06-07, 11:26 AM #6
Originally posted by Demon_Nightmare
It's been bad here. Hot and humid in the day, then lightning and rain at nights.

Oh well

Ditto, but at least the lightning and rain are nice and cooling.
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2005-06-07, 11:30 AM #7
Summer rocks. Winter is okay, but kind of depressing.
2005-06-07, 11:32 AM #8
I like cold weather more :)
2005-06-07, 11:35 AM #9
Originally posted by Temperamental
It's been gorgeous here all friggin the last 2 weeks.. Even the days when it rains (Only been like 2 in 14 days) are beautiful.. I can't stand the winter weather, but I love the damn summer. Just sitting inside and looking outside and seein it sunny makes me happy for some reason.. I love the heat.

Figures, I'm also one of those people more susceptible to the heat, meaning I get heat stroke/headaches/migranes extremely easy in the heat.. That's why I can't work outside, I'll literally die eventually. It sucks, but I sure as hell love the heat, even if it could kill me :)

Who's with me?


drink water, heat stroke can be avoided if you just drink water while your outside and take a couple ibuprofen for your headaches... just a thought cuz i love being outside not watching it from inside. I am so tan from working on my car outside and its awesome.
2005-06-07, 11:37 AM #10
It's been so absolutely wretched here the past few days.

It's been hot, humid, sticky, and wet..

ugghh. I hate summer.
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2005-06-07, 11:39 AM #11
I think I was from the Carribbean or Africa or something a previous life because I have an almost unnatural hatred for cold weather.
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2005-06-07, 11:42 AM #12
It's been somewhat warm here lately, it was really warm for a short time around April though :/
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2005-06-07, 11:43 AM #13
does anyone else love driving around in the summer with the windows down??? its bliss!
2005-06-07, 11:45 AM #14
I hate summer.

I burn easily, it hurts my eyes and it always makes me feel tired. I also burn up and get headaches easily, and thats with drinking a minimum of 3 litres of water a day.

Winter I love.

I have a high resistence to the cold, I can literally walk about with just jeans, a t-shirt and trainers for 10 mins in blizzard conditions (approx -10 degrees centigrade before you add wind factor) without no effect whatsoever. However, I prefer the temprature around 10 degrees centigrade as this is the temperature I feel most comfortable with for long periods. :D

2005-06-07, 11:55 AM #15
id like you to see you walk in that kind of misery and be fine... maybe if you had some extralayers of skin or were preparing to hibernate, otherwise a blizzard (winds blow in blizzards) would straight up freeze you so fast.
2005-06-07, 11:59 AM #16
Weather here is messed up. It's been cruddy since Sunday night, and was raining all morning, only to turn to snow. IT'S FRIGGIN' JUNE 7 AND IT IS SNOWING (well, it was, it's now just raining again) I can't wait for the sun to start shining again!
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Thou shalt not weigh more than thy refrigerator.

Eat well, stay fit, die anyway.
2005-06-07, 12:07 PM #17
<3 Summer
That painting was a gift, Todd. I'm taking it with me.
2005-06-07, 12:09 PM #18
Originally posted by never_again
id like you to see you walk in that kind of misery and be fine... maybe if you had some extralayers of skin or were preparing to hibernate, otherwise a blizzard (winds blow in blizzards) would straight up freeze you so fast.

You do have to take into account our blizzards (england) arn't as bad as they are in some other countries and much of the wind was blocked by buildings. And to tell the truth, I was only out in it because I had forgotten my coat and was returning home from a friends, all I needed when I got in was a hot choclate :D.

My bedroom at my old house had no heating, in winter it could drop to -5 during the night easily, I could not move due to the weight of the blankets. Always interesting trying to type an essay with a blanket wrapped around you. By time I'd written a few pages my hands would be numb and I'd need top go downstairs for a nice hot cup of tea. I hate it here in the new house now, even in winter with the window open (a few inches) the heating from the other rooms makes it too warm for me :(

You'd be amazed at what the human body can put up with if exposed to certain conditions for long enough.
2005-06-07, 12:14 PM #19
drink water, heat stroke can be avoided if you just drink water while your outside and take a couple ibuprofen for your headaches... just a thought cuz i love being outside not watching it from inside. I am so tan from working on my car outside and its awesome.

When I worked construction last summer, I took a bottle of Tylenol with codiene, and a 2 litre bottle of water with me. As well, the 8 other guys on side brought two 2 litre bottles with them, and plced them around the site. Wherever you were working you had a water bottle beside you practically.

I drank TONS of water, literally. I was constantly drinking, and peeing of course. But seriously, I was drinking more than what a normal person would need. ON top of that, I took at least 8 tylenol a day sometimes, and my heat stroke still came on, i still got migranes, and ended up having to quit because one day i was sick for about 2 weeks.
2005-06-07, 12:55 PM #20
I'm from Wisconsin, so I don't know what summer is. Our seasons are more like Spring > Winter > Spring > Winter. I do not know of this "summ-er" you talk about.

Just kidding. Although it's the case most of the time. It was 85 here today.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2005-06-07, 1:04 PM #21
Yup it's been awsome out. I've been spending a couple hours each day painting the house for the past week or so. Then going on some bike rides, walks, kayaking, etc. I love summer.
2005-06-07, 1:12 PM #22
Originally posted by Temperamental

Figures, I'm also one of those people more susceptible to the heat, meaning I get heat stroke/headaches/migranes extremely easy in the heat.. That's why I can't work outside, I'll literally die eventually. It sucks, but I sure as hell love the heat, even if it could kill me :)

Drink more water. In fact, drink nothing but water. ;)
Pissed Off?
2005-06-07, 1:20 PM #23
Originally posted by kyle90
Summer rocks. Winter is okay, but kind of depressing.

My thoughts exactly.
2005-06-07, 1:28 PM #24
i wanna go swimming.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2005-06-07, 1:31 PM #25
Originally posted by Ford
i wanna go swimming.

I think I'll go in a bit ;):) Waters up to 68 hmm
2005-06-07, 2:27 PM #26
I'm already tan from swimming and lifguarding.
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
2005-06-07, 3:17 PM #27
My water is up to 74 right now, just had it opened the other day. Nice pool. By middle summer the pool will be around 90. Yes, 90.
2005-06-07, 7:17 PM #28
Maybe you want to turn off the heater?
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2005-06-07, 7:29 PM #29
Originally posted by mscbuck
I'm from Wisconsin, so I don't know what summer is. Our seasons are more like Spring > Winter > Spring > Winter. I do not know of this "summ-er" you talk about.

Just kidding. Although it's the case most of the time. It was 85 here today.

Well said. I hate it here.
2005-06-07, 8:20 PM #30
Maybe you want to turn off the heater?

That's the thing, it doesn't have a heater.
2005-06-07, 8:23 PM #31
Good gosh I hate summer weather. Winter kicks @$$ no qestions asked. If Had a choice weather I wanted to burn to death or freeze to death, I'd choose freeze to death in heart beat.
2005-06-07, 8:38 PM #32
It was about 8 C (46 F) in Saskatoon today, :(.

I can't really say which season I prefer, since I enjoy both of them for their own reasons, but I will say that I'd rather be in -35 C temperatures than +35 C.
Quote Originally Posted by Chaz Ghostle
some gay men prefer to have partners with smaller, softer bodies[. . .]It really all comes down to what you like.
2005-06-07, 10:47 PM #33
Hate the cold, but I can stand it. I don't really get cold easily either.

However, I HATE Winter. It's ugly, boring, dead, and the days are over before dinner time.

Summer...oh man I love it. The hotter the better. Nothing beats going swimming on those warm 90 degree nights...then going for a night cruise in your swim trunks with the windows all the way down, radio booming, on your way to a party and drinkin an assload of beer.
2005-06-07, 10:51 PM #34
eff yeah!!! sandals!!
2005-06-08, 5:55 PM #35
and girls. girls man, girls. everywhere. wearing very little.
2005-06-08, 5:58 PM #36
Originally posted by BV
<3 Summer

The weather here is kinda' cool. It's not too hot actually. Perfect weather for skateboarding. :D
Skateboarding is not a crime.
2005-06-08, 7:17 PM #37
Originally posted by Darth Evad
and girls. girls man, girls. everywhere. wearing very little.

i hate to say it, man; as cool as you are, you're starting to become the creepy old guy at the party.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2005-06-08, 7:20 PM #38
Originally posted by Ford
i hate to say it, man; as cool as you are, you're starting to become the creepy old guy at the party.

You forget, this is the guy who had his picture taken with two very hot girls that were with ATi.
2005-06-08, 11:16 PM #39
It's raining here :(
Pissed Off?

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