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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Espisode 3.... and a half
Espisode 3.... and a half
2005-06-08, 11:23 AM #1
I saw this and was quite.... well, i was somthing. So check it out.
episode 3.5
I'm not wearing any pants...
2005-06-08, 11:30 AM #2
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2005-06-08, 2:24 PM #3
Nothing to see here, move along.
2005-06-08, 2:43 PM #4
Pissed Off?
2005-06-08, 4:22 PM #5
Hehe, it was kinda funny.
2005-06-08, 4:35 PM #6
Some derivative of hehe.
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
2005-06-08, 4:44 PM #7
Didn't even smile.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2005-06-08, 5:21 PM #8
Originally posted by THRAWN
Didn't even smile.
Skateboarding is not a crime.
2005-06-08, 5:40 PM #9
I wasted my internet on THAT?
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2005-06-08, 6:23 PM #10
"I did it all for the wookiee" <- GOLD
2005-06-08, 6:37 PM #11
Originally posted by kyle90
"I did it all for the wookiee" <- GOLD

I think they stole that from KotoR.
Aquapark - Untitled JK Arena Level - Prism CTF
2005-06-08, 8:51 PM #12
I like.
Sam: "Sir we can't call it 'The Enterprise'"
Jack: "Why not!"
2005-06-08, 8:56 PM #13
2005-06-08, 9:37 PM #14
.. uhh .. ok haha
2005-06-08, 9:42 PM #15
I'm lost.
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2005-06-08, 9:46 PM #16
Really not all that funny.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2005-06-09, 12:42 AM #17
Originally posted by Genki
I wasted my internet on THAT?
2005-06-09, 1:14 AM #18
It needs to be longer...MORE
2005-06-09, 9:52 AM #19
Also, you people do realize that the actor who played Scotty is dead, right? Poor guy. :(
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2005-06-10, 4:35 AM #20


funny stuff :confused:
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2005-06-10, 8:20 AM #21
I did like the if your 40 and living with your mom thing. Thats the only funny part to me though.
I was just petting the bunny, and it went into the soup can, and part of my hand went with it. - Red vs Blue
2005-06-10, 9:05 AM #22
Originally posted by Daft_Vader
Also, you people do realize that the actor who played Scotty is dead, right? Poor guy. :(

He's not dead, Jim.

He was diagnosed awhile ago with alzheimer's though. I imagine he doesn't have long left...
"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"

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