First off, this thread is lame.
Using the letters of the two previous posters' screennames (or one of them if you don't need the other), you must form the screenname of anyone who posts on these forums. You may only use each letter of a screenname once. The screenname you produce from these letters may not be the screenname of either of the previous two posters. Also, it has to be the full screenname of a poster. You may not form a nickname that has already been formed by someone else. Example:
Jack, Jim, Jill, and Mick are forum-goers.
The game ends when the thread dies (of natural causes or a lock or deletion) or when no one can form a poster's screenname (one that has not already been formed) from the previous two screennames. I can't think of anyone from the letters of my nickname, so we will have to pretend that the second post is by FastGamerr, so the first one to reply will have to form a screenname from "Krokodile" and "FastGamerr" (or either of the two), and the second from "FastGamerr" and whoever first replied to this thread.
Lame, yes, but I hope not too confusing.
If you can read this, you need better glasses.
Using the letters of the two previous posters' screennames (or one of them if you don't need the other), you must form the screenname of anyone who posts on these forums. You may only use each letter of a screenname once. The screenname you produce from these letters may not be the screenname of either of the previous two posters. Also, it has to be the full screenname of a poster. You may not form a nickname that has already been formed by someone else. Example:
Jack, Jim, Jill, and Mick are forum-goers.
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Jack:
Yo doodz.</font>
Yo doodz.</font>
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Jim:
What's up lol??!!</font>
What's up lol??!!</font>
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Jill:
Jack + Jim = Mick.</font>
Jack + Jim = Mick.</font>
The game ends when the thread dies (of natural causes or a lock or deletion) or when no one can form a poster's screenname (one that has not already been formed) from the previous two screennames. I can't think of anyone from the letters of my nickname, so we will have to pretend that the second post is by FastGamerr, so the first one to reply will have to form a screenname from "Krokodile" and "FastGamerr" (or either of the two), and the second from "FastGamerr" and whoever first replied to this thread.
Lame, yes, but I hope not too confusing.
If you can read this, you need better glasses.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.