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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Call of Duty MP on the horizon
Call of Duty MP on the horizon
2005-06-09, 11:03 AM #1
Whee! Got my PC shipped in to me today (still my old one, shipped from moving) and I'm installing Call of Duty and the expansion. Got them both for 40 bucks (CoD deluxe). So if anyone wants to play gimme a buzz:

AIM--Dj Yoshmo
MSN-- yoshmaista at

edit--took out link
2005-06-09, 11:50 AM #2
lol u got ur pc shipped into u? thats just a lil to much info for me ...........;)
2005-06-09, 11:46 PM #3
...dumbass alert.

I'd kick your *** but I'm on 56k for the summer.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-06-10, 1:17 AM #4
I'll play you Yoshi. Prepare for a lead sandwich.
2005-06-10, 4:36 AM #5
I wish I could play it using hamachi but 1.5 won't allow ips starting with and 1.5 is much needed to, as it fixes alot of the cvars for rcon and gives a nifty new mp map (tigertown). :(

I would play with you but I'd probably lag due to me being an Australian. COD is great, it's one the few games I truly enjoy the mp aspect of it, especially rifles only and the melee.
2005-06-10, 7:15 AM #6
Alright, so if you plan on playing, do add me on XFire. Probably be our best bet for communication since you can use it in-game.
2005-06-10, 4:46 PM #7
deViouslament on Xfire, I play CoD regular like it's a religion. UO sucks.
2005-06-10, 4:49 PM #8
No... YOU suck. UO is awesome.
2005-06-10, 5:22 PM #9
Originally posted by ttammatt
lol u got ur pc shipped into u? thats just a lil to much info for me ...........;)

***. I see flame wars in the near future.

EDIT: Whoa, Q_F_T is now censored. I wonder why. Probably for the same reason pwn was.

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